Install Bridge
Download the files:
BackupSaver.jsx: Put this file where you want but after putting file somewhere you need to change path in Reminder.jsx script.
- Open Reminder.jsx in any plain text editor (Notepat, SublimeText, VS Code) and change path in line 8
var ptohoshopScriptFolder = "D:/Photoshop/Scripts/";
to your new path of BackupSaver.jsx
var ptohoshopScriptFolder = "C:/New Folder/Test/Scripts/";
Reminder.jsx: Put this file in
C:\Users\{Your_User_Name}\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Bridge\Startup Scripts\Reminder PSD.jsx
- The script has been tested in Photoshop 2022 Windows and with Bridge 2022
- Scripting functionality that enables me to get rid of the Action file. It's not super cumbersome to install, but I'd rather get rid of it.
- Name change to something more fitting.
- Some sort of notification system to inform user that the file has been saved.
- Currently you need to just trust that the script saves the file.
- If you accidentally press another key combination to save the file, you'd have no idea that the additional
file wasn't saved.- Assuming that this notification was implemented. The lack of notification would help you to realize the mistake.