A DevOps Engineer, Cloud & Automation Enthusiast ☁️🤖
- 🧐 I’m currently diving deeper into DevOps, studying for my CKA certification at KodeKloud, and learning Japanese.
A DevOps Engineer, Cloud & Automation Enthusiast ☁️🤖
# Introduction
- This guide is based on Debian 11 (Bullseye) and is designed to be used with Scaleway/OneProvider as the cloud provider.
- We will be transitioning from RAID1 to RAID0 on SSD. It's vital to verify that your hosting solution supports the RAID configuration you're about to implement.
- Also, remember to back up any data stored on the drives as the RAID configuration changes could result in data loss.
## Formation au gestion de version (versioning) avec Git
### *_Objectifs_* :
- Comprendre les concepts de base de la gestion des versions et des apports de la décentralisation
- Installer et configurer l'outil Git sous Windows
## Installation mkvmerge, ffmpeg, mediainfo, yasm, fdk-aac, mediainfo, git, tar, subversion, tesseract-ocr, x265 et sox
### Version pris en charge : _Debian 11.2_
## Installation Qemu + UEFI for Large Storage & Windows 2016, 2019, 2022 Datacenter Edition
### Version pris en charge : _Debian 11.1_ - Hetzner @2022