A travel budget calculator using python Django framework with HTML/CSS/Bootstrap/JavaScript/JQuery/Ajax.
How to run: step 1 : Create and activate virtual Environment here is the link follow it
step 2: Install all the packages from requirements.txt file. use below cmd to install all the packages from requirements first save it to any folder go to that folder in terminal and run below command in terminal.
pip install -r requirements.txt
step 3: Download xampp-osx-7.3.8-2-installer.dmg from the given link and then install it.
step 4 : open Xampp and start Mysql Database and Apache server
step 5 : Goto browser and write localhost then go to myphpadmin
step 6 : create new database give name demo same in lowercase
step 7 : go to the terminal and then go to the project folder and run cmd.
python manage.py makemigrations
if no error occur then run
python manage.py migrate
again to check if error occur
python manage.py makemigrations
step 8 : after all the things working correctly run
python manage.py runserver
then copy the url link from the terminal and paste into the browser
if you see any formating issue
python manage.py collectstatic
then go to the project folder mysite settings.py
then see DEBUG = False make it True then again run
python manage.py runserver
refresh the link
if the formating is ok go back to the settings.py file and undo the or make DEBUG = False again and then again run
python manage.py runserver
if you dont get it right from any steps let me know