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sample |
Deploy Spring Boot apps to Azure |
animal-rescue |
Azure Spring Apps enables you to easily run a Spring Boot applications on Azure.
This quickstart shows you how to deploy an existing Java Spring Cloud application to Azure. When you're finished, you can continue to manage the application via the Azure CLI or switch to using the Azure Portal.
You will:
- Provision an Azure Spring Apps service instance.
- Configure Application Configuration Service repositories
- Deploy Spring Boot applications to Azure and build using Tanzu Build Service
- Configure routing to the applications using Spring Cloud Gateway
- Open the application
- Explore the application API with Api Portal
- Configure Single Sign On (SSO) for the application
- Bind Applications to Azure Database for MySQL
- Manage application secrets using Azure KeyVault
In order to deploy a Java app to cloud, you need an Azure subscription. If you do not already have an Azure subscription, you can activate your MSDN subscriber benefits or sign up for a free Azure account.
In addition, you will need the following:
| Azure CLI version 2.17.1 or higher
| Git
| jq
Note - On Windows, the jq
utility should be renamed from jq-win64.exe
to jq.exe
and added to the PATH
Note - The Bash shell. While Azure CLI should behave identically on all environments, shell semantics vary. Therefore, only bash can be used with the commands in this repo. To complete these repo steps on Windows, use Git Bash that accompanies the Windows distribution of Git. Use only Git Bash to complete this training on Windows. Do not use WSL.
Or, you can use the Azure Cloud Shell. Azure hosts Azure Cloud Shell, an interactive shell environment that you can use through your browser. You can use the Bash with Cloud Shell to work with Azure services. You can use the Cloud Shell pre-installed commands to run the code in this README without having to install anything on your local environment. To start Azure Cloud Shell: go to, or select the Launch Cloud Shell button to open Cloud Shell in your browser.
To run the code in this article in Azure Cloud Shell:
Start Cloud Shell.
Select the Copy button on a code block to copy the code.
Paste the code into the Cloud Shell session by selecting Ctrl+Shift+V on Windows and Linux or by selecting Cmd+Shift+V on macOS.
Select Enter to run the code.
Install the Azure Spring Apps extension for the Azure CLI using the following command
az extension add --name spring
Note - spring
CLI extension 4.0.0
or later is a pre-requisite to enable the
latest Enterprise tier functionality to configure VMware Tanzu Components. Use the following
command to remove previous versions and install the latest Enterprise tier extension:
az extension remove --name spring-cloud
az extension add --name spring
mkdir source-code
cd source-code
git clone --branch Azure
cd animal-rescue
Create a bash script with environment variables by making a copy of the supplied template:
cp ./scripts/ ./scripts/
Open ./scripts/
and enter the following information:
export SUBSCRIPTION=subscription-id # replace it with your subscription-id
export RESOURCE_GROUP=resource-group-name # existing resource group or one that will be created in next steps
export SPRING_APPS_SERVICE=azure-spring-apps-name # name of the service that will be created in the next steps
export LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE=log-analytics-name # existing workspace or one that will be created in next steps
export REGION=region-name # choose a region with Enterprise tier support
Then, set the environment:
source ./scripts/
Login to the Azure CLI and choose your active subscription.
az login
az account list -o table
az account set --subscription ${SUBSCRIPTION}
Prepare a name for your Azure Spring Apps service. The name must be between 4 and 32 characters long and can contain only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. The first character of the service name must be a letter and the last character must be either a letter or a number.
Create a resource group to contain your Azure Spring Apps service.
Note: This step can be skipped if using an existing resource group
az group create --name ${RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--location ${REGION}
Accept the legal terms and privacy statements for the Enterprise tier.
Note: This step is necessary only if your subscription has never been used to create an Enterprise tier instance of Azure Spring Apps.
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.SaaS
az term accept --publisher vmware-inc --product azure-spring-cloud-vmware-tanzu-2 --plan tanzu-azure-ent-mtr
Create an instance of Azure Spring Apps Enterprise.
az spring create --name ${SPRING_APPS_SERVICE} \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--location ${REGION} \
--sku Enterprise \
--enable-application-configuration-service \
--enable-service-registry \
--enable-gateway \
The service instance will take around 10-15 minutes to deploy.
Set your default resource group name and cluster name using the following commands:
az configure --defaults \
location=${REGION} \
Note: wait for the instance of Azure Spring Apps to be ready before continuing
Create a Log Analytics Workspace to be used for your Azure Spring Apps service.
Note: This step can be skipped if using an existing workspace
az monitor log-analytics workspace create \
--workspace-name ${LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE} \
--location ${REGION} \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP}
Retrieve the resource ID for the recently create Azure Spring Apps Service and Log Analytics Workspace:
export LOG_ANALYTICS_RESOURCE_ID=$(az monitor log-analytics workspace show \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--workspace-name ${LOG_ANALYTICS_WORKSPACE} | jq -r '.id')
export SPRING_APPS_RESOURCE_ID=$(az spring show \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} | jq -r '.id')
Configure diagnostic settings for the Azure Spring Apps Service:
az monitor diagnostic-settings create --name "send-logs-and-metrics-to-log-analytics" \
--logs '[
"category": "ApplicationConsole",
"enabled": true,
"retentionPolicy": {
"enabled": false,
"days": 0
"category": "SystemLogs",
"enabled": true,
"retentionPolicy": {
"enabled": false,
"days": 0
"category": "IngressLogs",
"enabled": true,
"retentionPolicy": {
"enabled": false,
"days": 0
]' \
--metrics '[
"category": "AllMetrics",
"enabled": true,
"retentionPolicy": {
"enabled": false,
"days": 0
Note: For Git Bash users, this command may fail when resource IDs are misinterpreted as file paths because they begin with
.If the above command fails, try setting MSYS_NO_PATHCONV using:
Create a configuration repository for Application Configuration Service using the Azure CLI:
az spring application-configuration-service git repo add --name animal-rescue-config \
--label main \
--patterns "backend/default,backend/mysql,backend/key-vault" \
--uri ""
Create a builder in Tanzu Build Service for the frontend application using the Azure CLI:
az spring build-service builder create -n nodejs-only \
--builder-file frontend/azure/nodejs_builder.json \
Create an application for the frontend and another for the backend:
az spring app create --name $BACKEND_APP --instance-count 1 --memory 1Gi
az spring app create --name $FRONTEND_APP --instance-count 1 --memory 1Gi
Bind the backend application to Application Configuration Service:
az spring application-configuration-service bind --app $BACKEND_APP
Assign an endpoint and update the Spring Cloud Gateway configuration with API information:
az spring gateway update --assign-endpoint true
export GATEWAY_URL=$(az spring gateway show | jq -r '.properties.url')
az spring gateway update \
--api-description "Animal Rescue API" \
--api-title "Animal Rescue" \
--api-version "v.01" \
--server-url "https://$GATEWAY_URL" \
--allowed-origins "*"
Deploy and build the backend application, specifying its configuration file pattern for Application Configuration Service:
az spring app deploy --name $BACKEND_APP \
--config-file-patterns backend/default \
--source-path backend \
Deploy and build the frontend application using the builder created earlier:
az spring app deploy --name $FRONTEND_APP \
--builder nodejs-only \
--source-path frontend/
Note: if you've run
npm install
before deploying, remove the directory withrm -rf frontend/node_modules
before deploying.
Before the applications can be accessed through Spring Cloud Gateway, create routing rules for the backend and frontend applications:
az spring gateway route-config create \
--name $BACKEND_APP \
--app-name $BACKEND_APP \
--routes-file backend/azure/api-route-config-no-sso.json
az spring gateway route-config create \
--name $FRONTEND_APP \
--app-name $FRONTEND_APP \
--routes-file frontend/azure/api-route-config-no-sso.json
Retrieve the URL for Spring Cloud Gateway and open it in a browser:
open "https://$GATEWAY_URL"
You should see the Animal Rescue Application:
Assign an endpoint to API Portal and open it in a browser:
az spring api-portal update --assign-endpoint true
export PORTAL_URL=$(az spring api-portal show | jq -r '.properties.url')
open "https://$PORTAL_URL"
Choose a unique display name for your Application Registration.
export AD_DISPLAY_NAME=change-me # unique application display name
Create an Application registration with Azure AD and save the output.
az ad app create --display-name ${AD_DISPLAY_NAME} > ad.json
Retrieve the Application ID and collect the client secret:
export APPLICATION_ID=$(cat ad.json | jq -r '.appId')
az ad app credential reset --id $APPLICATION_ID --append > sso.json
Assign a Service Principal to the Application Registration
az ad sp create --id $APPLICATION_ID
More detailed instructions on Application Registrations can be found here.
Set the environment using the provided script and verify the environment variables are set:
source ./scripts/
should take the form$TENANT_ID/v2.0
should take the form$TENANT_ID/discovery/v2.0/keys
Add the necessary web redirect URIs to the Azure AD Application Registration:
az ad app update --id $APPLICATION_ID \
--web-redirect-uris "https://$GATEWAY_URL/login/oauth2/code/sso" "https://$PORTAL_URL/oauth2-redirect.html" "https://$PORTAL_URL/login/oauth2/code/sso"
Detailed information about redirect URIs can be found here.
Configure Spring Cloud Gateway with SSO enabled:
export GATEWAY_URL=$(az spring gateway show | jq -r '.properties.url')
az spring gateway update \
--api-description "Animal Rescue API" \
--api-title "Animal Rescue" \
--api-version "v.01" \
--server-url "https://$GATEWAY_URL" \
--allowed-origins "*" \
--client-id $CLIENT_ID \
--client-secret $CLIENT_SECRET \
--scope $SCOPE \
--issuer-uri $ISSUER_URI
Update routing rules for the backend and frontend applications:
az spring gateway route-config update \
--name $BACKEND_APP \
--app-name $BACKEND_APP \
--routes-file backend/azure/api-route-config.json
az spring gateway route-config update \
--name $FRONTEND_APP \
--app-name $FRONTEND_APP \
--routes-file frontend/azure/api-route-config.json
Update the backend application to provide the necessary environment variable:
az spring app update \
--name $BACKEND_APP \
--config-file-patterns backend/default \
Retrieve the URL for Spring Cloud Gateway and open it in a browser:
open "https://$GATEWAY_URL"
You should see the Animal Rescue Application, and be able to log in using your Azure AD Credentials.
Configure API Portal with SSO enabled:
export PORTAL_URL=$(az spring api-portal show | jq -r '.properties.url')
az spring api-portal update \
--client-id $CLIENT_ID \
--client-secret $CLIENT_SECRET\
--scope "openid,profile,email" \
--issuer-uri $ISSUER_URI
Open API Portal in a browser, this will redirect you to log in now:
open "https://$PORTAL_URL"
To access the protected APIs, click Authorize and follow the steps that match your SSO provider. Learn more about API Authorization with API Portal here
In this unit, you will create an Azure Database for MySQL for use in your app.
Create a bash script with environment variables by making a copy of the supplied template:
cp ./scripts/ ./scripts/
Open ./scripts/
and enter information to be used for the MySQL database:
export MYSQL_ADMIN_USER=change-name # customize this
export MYSQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=change-me # customize this
export KEY_VAULT=change-me # customize this
export MYSQL_SERVER_NAME=animal-rescue-database
export MYSQL_DATABASE_NAME=animals
Then, set the environment:
source ./scripts/
Using the Azure CLI, create an Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server and Database:
az mysql flexible-server create --resource-group $RESOURCE_GROUP \
--location $REGION \
--admin-user $MYSQL_ADMIN_USER \
--admin-password $MYSQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD \
--database-name $MYSQL_DATABASE_NAME \
# Allow connections from other Azure Services
az mysql flexible-server firewall-rule create --rule-name allAzureIPs \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--start-ip-address --end-ip-address
Update the backend application with the mysql profile activated and provide necessary environment variables for the profile:
az spring app update \
--name $BACKEND_APP \
--config-file-patterns backend/default,backend/mysql \
Retrieve the URL for Spring Cloud Gateway and open it in a browser:
open "https://$GATEWAY_URL"
Now when restarting the application, changes will persist as it now uses a MySQL database rather than an in-memory database.
Use Azure Key Vault to store and load secrets to connect to MySQL database
Create an Azure Key Vault and store database connection secrets.
az keyvault create --name ${KEY_VAULT} -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP}
export KEYVAULT_URI=$(az keyvault show --name ${KEY_VAULT} | jq -r '.properties.vaultUri')
Store database connection secrets in Key Vault.
az keyvault secret set --vault-name ${KEY_VAULT} \
az keyvault secret set --vault-name ${KEY_VAULT} \
az keyvault secret set --vault-name ${KEY_VAULT} \
az keyvault secret set --vault-name ${KEY_VAULT} \
Enable System Assigned Identities for applications and export identities to environment.
az spring app identity assign --name ${BACKEND_APP}
export BACKEND_APP_IDENTITY=$(az spring app show --name ${BACKEND_APP} | jq -r '.identity.principalId')
Add an access policy to Azure Key Vault to allow Managed Identities to read secrets.
az keyvault set-policy --name ${KEY_VAULT} \
--object-id ${BACKEND_APP_IDENTITY} --secret-permissions get list
Activate applications to load secrets from Azure Key Vault.
az spring app update --name ${BACKEND_APP} \
--config-file-patterns backend/default,backend/mysql,backend/key-vault \
In this quickstart, you've deployed a Spring Boot application and a nodejs application using Azure CLI. You also configured VMware Tanzu components in the enterprise tier. To learn more about Azure Spring Apps, go to: