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GWLForecaster performs groundwater level modelling using AquiModAWS (developed by the British Geological Survey).

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Edit 20/08/2021 - GWLForecaster.exe cannot be uploaded to GitHub due to file size restrictions

What this README is:

  • It is a general guide to GWLForecaster, the program that performs groundwater level forecasting using AquiModAWS.

What this README is not:

  • It is not an AquiMod or AquiModAWS user guide.
  • It is not a full report into groundwater level forecasting and therefore does not cover modelling assumptions, source data validity or analysis of outputs.

1. Introduction

AquiMod is a lumped, conceptual hydrological model, producing groundwater level (GWL) as an output timeseries. The model is driven by precipitation and PET data inputs. AquiModAWS is a modified version of the publicly available AquiMod model produced by the British Geological Survey (BGS) for use at Anglian Water Services (AWS). The BGS has calibrated a selection of AquiModAWS models at observation boreholes across the AWS region for use by AWS. Every month, AWS receives a three-month forecast for RAIN and PET data. By using this data as input into a calibrated AquiModAWS model, a GWL forecast can be produced for the next three months.

The purpose of the GWLForecaster program is to perform GWL modelling using AquiModAWS. This may prompt the question, “Why can’t AquiModAWS be used on its own to perform GWL forecasting?” Indeed, AquiModAWS is designed to be used directly without any third-party program. However, AquiModAWS must be run from the command line and is configured using text files. Furthermore, the output files require processing into a tidy format. This is not a user-friendly interface and makes performing multiple simulations a labour-intensive process. GWLForecaster solves these problems by doing the following:

  1. Read timeseries and model configuration data from a user-friendly input spreadsheet.
  2. Process input data and produce the Observations.txt and Input.txt files required to run AquiModAWS.
  3. Execute AquiModAWS.
  4. Process the numerous AquiModAWS output files and produce a single, tidy output file.

2. Installation

There is a user version and a developer version of GWLForecaster. The user version features no code repositories and is run via a single executable file. The developer version contains all code repositories, is run via a file, and contains no executable GWLForecaster file.

The advantage of the user version (and vice-versa for the developer version) is that it contains fewer files and folders, and importantly, does not require a python interpreter or any dependencies to run. The disadvantage of the user version is that the source code cannot be viewed or modified, the executable file is relatively large, and the executable file takes longer to run than the script.

2.1. User Version

Installing the user version of GWLForecaster is as simple downloading the GWLForecaster_user folder (size: ~380 MB). From here, it is ready to run.

2.2. Developer Version

To install the developer version, download GWLForecaster_dev folder (size: ~15 MB). The external dependencies required to run the program include:

  • A python interpreter
  • os module (built-in)
  • dataclasses module (built-in)
  • pandas

Built-in libraries come packaged with python. Pandas does not come automatically with python; however, it is a standard package within the Anaconda distribution. If Anaconda is not installed, Pandas can be installed by running pip install pandas in the command line.

3. Usage

3.1. TL;DR - (Definition)

  1. In Input_form.xlsx go to the Summary tab.
  2. In the ID column, give your simulation a name.
  3. In the Catchment column, enter the catchment to be modelled.
  4. In the Spinup Init GWL column enter any arbitrary positive number less than 9999.
  5. In the Forecast Init GWL column enter the measured groundwater level at the first day of the forecast.
  6. In the Number of Runs column specify the number of runs to be done per simulation.
  7. Duplicate the Template tab and rename the tab to the ID specified in the Summary tab.
  8. Enter the spinup and forecast data in the appropriate RAIN and PET columns.
  9. Save Input_Form.xlsx.
  10. Run GWLForecaster.exe or the file.
  11. Access output CSV files in the “outputs” folder.

3.2. The Detail

The user interface of GWLForecaster is the Input_Form.xlsx spreadsheet, where the model can be configured, timeseries data entered and batch simulations queued. This spreadsheet contains a Summary tab, a Template tab and then as many tabs as there are simulations to be performed, as specified by the user.

In the Summary tab of Input_Form.xlsx a user will find a table with a row for each simulation that GWLForecaster will be instructed to perform. Every simulation must have a unique ID in the ID column. The ID does not affect the model itself but is important as output files for each simulation are named after the ID. The Catchment column must contain the name of the groundwater catchment to be simulated. The names of the available catchments can be checked in the “models” folder. Note that the program is case sensitive and catchment names must exactly match the folder names within “models”.

The Spinup Init GWL and Forecast Init GWL columns set the initial GWLs. Each simulation period is split up into a spinup and a forecast period. The spinup period is required for internal reservoirs to fill up within the AquiModAWS model and equilibrate with the system. The spinup period precedes the forecast period and is not included in the forecast. An initial GWL is required to start the simulation at the spinup period. As this period is not included in the forecast, any number entered here is arbitrary. Another initial GWL is required at the start of the forecast period, resetting the GWL to a known level from which the forecast will be based on. It is important that the Forecast Init GWL is therefore based on a known value. Note that all GWLs are measured in metres above ordnance datum.

The final column, Number of Runs, determines the number of iterations each simulation will complete. Each iteration is run with a different parameter set, therefore producing a set of outputs in a stochastic manner. Parameter sets were selected during the model calibration process performed by the BGS. There are between 500 and 10,000 parameter sets available for each catchment, and therefore the maximum number of runs depends on the catchment. Bear in mind that as the number of runs increase, more poorly performing parameter sets are selected. There is thus a trade-off between a larger output sample set (from which more statistically robust metrics can be calculated) and model performance.

For each row in the Summary table, a user must create a separate simulation tab. This can be copied from the Template tab. The name of each new tab should match the IDs as provided in the Summary table. Within each simulation tab, there are six columns to fill with input data, three for the spinup period and three for the forecast period. Enter the appropriate timeseries here for RAIN and PET data. Spinup and forecast columns are separated because these data will most likely come from different sources, so sparing the user the task of merging both datasets.

It is recommended that there be at least six months of spinup data preceding the start of the forecast period, however AquiModAWS will take a spinup period as short as one day. Note that both timeseries must use a daily timestep and they must be continuous. This means there must be no missing days in the timeseries, including between the end of the spinup period and the start of the forecast period. That is to say, the final timestep of the spinup period must be no earlier than the day before the start of the forecast period. If there is overlap between the end of the spinup period and start of the forecast period, the program will ignore the trailing spinup data and use only the forecast data.

Once all simulations are configured and timeseries data entered, save the Input_Form.xlsx, run the program. In the user version, this can be done by double-clicking GWLForecaster.exe. In the developer version, this can be done by running the file, either from the command line (by setting the current working directory to GWLForecaster_developer and executing the code python or through an IDE.

The output files of GWLForecaster are saved as CSV files in the “outputs” folder. Each file can be recognised by the ID that was used to uniquely identify each simulation in the Summary tab of User_Input.xlsx. The raw AquiModAWS output files can also accessible via “models>{catchment name}>Output” folder. There is a file for each component of the AquiModAWS model, of which there are three, and a file for each iteration of each model, as designated by the Number of Runs column in the input form. Bear in mind that if multiple simulations are being done on the same catchment (i.e., there are multiple rows in the Summary tab of the input form specifying the same catchment) only the outputs of the final simulation will be saved.

Finally, if, for any reason, a user would like to stop the program after it has started running, press CTRL+C.

4. Development

The first point of note in the development of GWLForecaster is that this is my first (relatively) large software development project. Although I attempted to follow pythonic, SOLID, coding principles I recognise this code is probably quite smelly and far from optimal. At least it works.

4.1. Program Structure

GWLForecaster is built across two packages, the Session package (saved as “session_resources”) and nested within that, the Model package (saved as “model_resources”). The thought process behind this is that a single session takes place each time GWLForecaster is run, and within a session, multiple models (simulations) are run, so the Session package needs to be able to leverage the Model package with it. The Session package therefore becomes the wrapper, within which the Model package code is implemented. The file in the root directory therefore only interfaces with Session resources.

Figure 1. shows a pseudo-UML of the general structure of the program. The light blue box indicates the Model package and the light yellow box indicates the Session package. Each box represents a class, except for main() which represents the main function. Solid lines indicate where there is a direct relationship between classes in the class definition, i.e., there is a dependency injection of one class to another. The dashed lines indicate a relationship where a class is implemented, i.e., a class is instantiated and methods are called. A 1:1 relationship is assumed for all connections.

Figure 1. Pseudo-UML of the code design

4.1.1. Session Package

The Session package consists of two modules, input_form and session. Input_form contains the class InputForm, which reads in the Summary tab of the input form and checks that all IDs are unique. Session contains the class Session, which is instantiated with InputForm as an argument. Session then instantiates Model objects within its initalise_models method. Session finally implements all the input processing, execution and output processing required for each simulation in the execute method. This is done linearly, with each simulation being completed before then next is started. This is to prevent AquiModAWS overwriting output files before they are processed, which can happen if a catchment is being simulated more than once.

4.1.2. Model Package

The Model package does most of the heavy lifting in GWLForecaster. It contains six class modules as well as extra modules for user-defined functions and exceptions that may come in handy. The class Model is instantiated first in the class Session. Model acts as a data class without any methods. It carries all the data required by the dependent classes to perform the simulation. Therefore, all other classes are instantiated using the Model class.

The input_data module contains the InputData class. This class reads in the input timeseries data from the individual simulation tabs in the Input Form spreadsheet. It then parses out the spinup and forecast data from this sheet and saves these data as pandas dataframes directly back to the Model object. There is therefore two-way dependency between Model and InputData. Admittedly there is a lot of repetition in this class. An improvement suggestion may be to separate the class into a spinup class and a forecast class that inherit from an input data base class, therefore complying with the single responsibility principle.

The observations_txt module contains the ObservationsTxt class. This takes the data stored in Model, processes it, and that to a configured Observations.txt file required by AquiModAWS. Additionally, it calculates the length of the spinup period and saves that back to Model as an attribute for use by other classes. There is therefore two-way dependency here again.

Similar to observations_txt, input_txt contains the InputTxt class which is responsible for processing data and outputting an Input.txt file, required by AquiModAWS. InputTxt does not save any data back to the Model object and therefore the dependency is just one-way. It is also important to bear in mind that InputTxt does not write a new Input.txt file, only edits the current one in place. Furthermore, InputTxt only edits the Number of runs and Spin-up period variables, whilst expecting the other to be already appropriately configured. Therefore the Input.txt file should always remain in its location and should not be edited manually unless you know what you are doing.

The executor module contains the class Executor. After instantiation with the Model object, this class has two methods. The first is to delete all files in the output directory of the appropriate AquiModAWS catchment. This is because any new runs of AquiModAWS will simply overwrite the existing files. This can be a problem when previously a greater number of runs was selected. In this case, only the newer files will be overwritten, and the older files will remain, leading to the output processing code reading data from independent simulations, which is not desirable. To avoid this, the output directory will be cleared of all files. The second method simply executes AuiModAWS. It does so via accessing the command line through the os package. AquiModAWS is accessed then either through the system PATH variable or if AquiModAWS.exe is present in the root directory. In case there are permissions issues with accessing the PATH variable, it is recommended that AquiModAWS.exe always be present in the root directory. Finally, Executor does not save and information back to Model so the coupling here is one-directional.

The final module is output_data, containing the OutputData class. This class loads the numerous AquiModAWS output files and processes them into a single CSV featuring all the iterated timeseries. The output file is named after the ID of the simulation. The output data is indexed with the simulation ID, the period type (spinup or forecast) and the timestep in date format.

4.3. Performance

The performance of the program depends on whether the user or developer version is being run. The developer version is quicker (20 – 30 seconds quicker perhaps) than the user version. Of course, this also depends highly on the machine in question.

The majority of run time (> 50%) is spent in AquiModAWS itself, and therefore cannot be optimised any further as this is a fully compiled executable. In terms of the GWLForecaster code, most of the run time is spent reading the input Excel spreadsheet and reading in up to hundreds or thousands of CSV files produced by AquiModAWS. Pandas read_excel and read_csv functions are used here. I do not know of any alternatives that could provide a real performance boost.

4.4. What-Ifs and Exceptions

  • What if there is a mismatch between the IDs in the Input Form summary tab and the simulation tabs?
    • If and ID is specified for which there is no tab, the program will throw a “Worksheet not found error”.
    • If there are additional tabs, not specified in the ID column of the summary tab, these will be ignored.
  • What if there is no spinup period?
    • The program will throw an error along the lines of “TypeError: Cannot convert Float64Index to dtype datetime64[ns]; integer values are required for conversion”.
    • AquiModAWS requires at least one day of spinup data.
    • Apologies that the error is not more specific.
  • What if a greater number of runs is specified than there are parameter sets available?
    • Depending on the catchment, this will happen when the number of runs is greater than 500, 1,000 or 10,000.
    • The AquiModAWS and the program will still run, however there will be NaN or no-data timeseries in the output for the iterations where parameter sets had run out.
    • Bear in mind that a greater number of runs generally leads to worse model efficiency because less-optimal parameter sets are being chosen.
  • What if the input timeseries of different simulations have different dates and periods?
    • As long as both spinup and forecast timeseries together are continuous, GWLForecaster can run any period range and duration (greater than or equal to one day) across simulations.
  • What if an incorrect catchment name is entered into the Catchment column in the Summary tab of Input Form?
    • The program will return a FileNotFoundError and indicate the non-existent catchment folder that the program is looking for.

4.5. Potential Improvements

Write Input.txt from scratch?

5. Links

See the documentation folder for further reading in AquiMod and AquiModAWS or visit the BGS website.

6. Contribute

Email me, Brogan McCawley, at


GWLForecaster performs groundwater level modelling using AquiModAWS (developed by the British Geological Survey).







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