An open source python library for magnetotelluric robust processing.
It provides robust (M-estimator, Bounded Influence) and multi-remote methods for MT.
If you use this software in a scientific publication, we'd very much appreciate if you could cite the following paper:
- Smaï, F., and Wawrzyniak, P., 2020. Razorback, an open source Python library for robust processing of magnetotelluric data. Frontiers in Earth Science.
Just use pip
to get razorback and all its dependencies:
pip install razorback
Get the tutorials and their attached data by cloning the repository with its submodules:
git clone --recursive
You will find the tutorials in ./docs/source/tutorials/
- Python >= 3.6
- Numpy
- Scipy
- Dask
Linux, Windows, MacOS
To run the tests, clone the repository and run pytest in the main directory: