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Setup DiSEqC Switches

Marc edited this page Feb 9, 2024 · 6 revisions

The DiSEqC switches that are supported are:

  • Commited

  • Uncommited

  • Cascade
    Use 'src=' parameter for cascading switches
    src parameter should be: src >= 1 and <= 255
    Because src starts with 1 we should add 1 before sending it with the RTSP/HTTP request

    src bits: 7 - 6 - 5 4 3 2 - 1 0

    • bits 1 0 = for the 'normal' (commited) 4 way switches
      • so in total 4 inputs
    • bits 5 4 3 2 = for the DiSEqC 1.1 (uncommited) 16 way switches
      • so in total 16 inputs
    • bit 6 = in which order the DiSEqC command should be send
      • 0 means commited first then uncommited switch commands
      • 1 means uncommited first then commited switch commands
    • bit 7 = for sending tone burst (Monoblock LNBs) on the last command
      • 0 means do not send tone burst
      • 1 means send tone burst
  • In the section 'DiSEqC Configuration' there are:

    • 'Number of Switch Inputs' -- specifies how many inputs (LNBs) this switch has. When set to 1, all inputs will use the same LNB.
    • 'Repeat DiSEqC' -- specifies how many times the DiSEqC command should be repeated
    • 'Delay before write' -- specifies the time to wait after 18V is set and before sending DiSEqC command
    • 'Delay after write' -- specifies the time to wait after sending DiSEqC command and before 13V is set back
    • When having difficulties getting a signal lock, try increasing
      'Delay before write' and 'Delay after write' to 100 or more