This is a starting point for building (prototype) tools based on eXist-db, NodeJS, and Gulp. It compiles Ecmascript2015 (ES6) to regular Javascript, translates SASS to css, and works well with Docker. However, this is just a start for a development workflow, and may need to be adjusted for specific use cases.
- NodeJS (I'm using v6.11.3 right now)
- eXist-db (I'm using v3.4.1 right now)
- fork or download from Git
- run
npm install
- copy existConfig.tmpl.json to existConfig.json
- adjust your configuration in that file. No worries, it will be ignored by Git.
- adjust package.json. All information for building the eXist app will be derived from there
#Gulp Tasks
- watch This task watches for changes to the source directories and uploads changes to a local eXist-db
- dist This task creates a xar package of the current state.
- bump-patch This task bumps the version number at patch level (according to semver)
- bump-minor This task bumps the version number at minor level (according to semver)
- bump-major This task bumps the version number at major level (according to semver)
Other tasks (called by the above tasks)
- load-assets loads assets like Verovio from node_modules and puts them in the right places
- html loads HTML files. no templating mechanism included
- css compiles SASS to minified css
- js compiles ES6 to minified / uglified JS
- xql copies xql and xqm files into the right folders
- xslt copies xslt into the right folder
- data copies data into the right folder
- xar-structure builds the basic structure for the eXist-app
- del empties the /build and /dist folders
- deploy uploads the app to a local eXist database
- lint There is a gulp lint task, but it currently fails to autofix things.