Simple digiscore example using mic listener, random note generator with neoscore.
This is the base repo for the assignement in MUSI1017.
To start working with it you will need to:
clone it into an IDE direct from GitHub (I recommend PyCharm community) (e.g. )
Build a VENV to store the external libraries (e.g. )
Install all the external libraries listed in requirements.txt (e.g. )
Once complete compress the whole project into a ZIP file and upload to Moddle
You need to:
- Accelerate this base code into something creative
- Ensure that it is bug-free and presentational for the sharing/ performance assessment (70%)
- Be the sole author of your version by completing all the DocStrings
- and in your own words add comments that describe each function or key point highlighted with a #
- REPLACE ALL THGIS TEXT WITH 1000 WORDS discussing the project, detailing your individual contribution and reflecting on the collaborative process and success of the project