Mujeed (مُجيد) is a development environment for logic programming in Arabic language
Mujeed requires a Java Development Kit (JDK)
you can run Mujeed by lunching mujeed.bat which is located in bin folder
- mujeed.bat contains the following command:
java -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 -jar Mujeed.jar
- this command makes Mujeed.jar run with UTF8 Encoding (to support arabic script)
type at the terminal the same command of mujeed.bat
recommended for the first use
- set DefaultWorkSpace folder as workspace
- DefaultWorkSpace folder contains some examples of knowledge bases (apl files)
- create a folder that will be your new workspace
- go to the file menu (ملف)
- choose switch workspace (تبديل مساحة العمل)
- select the folder that you created as a new workspace
- go to the file menu (ملف)
- choose open file (فتح ملف)
- select apl file
- go to the file menu (ملف)
- choose new file (جديد)
- type a name for the file and validate
- go to the run menu (التحويل البرمجي)
- click on run (تجميع)
For more documentations - see docs folder
The source code of Mujeed is available under code folder
- configure your development environment to support utf8 encoding
- add antlr-4.5-complete.jar and groovy-all-1.8.0.jar,located in lib folder, to your java project
Wajdi BLIDI (
This project is licensed under the terms of GNU GPLv3 license - see LICENSE file for details