is a command-line tool designed to integrate with a Neo4j graph database and the Ollama service to handle embeddings and queries. This tool supports embedding PDF files, content from URLs, or plain text strings into a database, and querying the stored data. The embeddings can be managed through a local or remote instance of the Ollama service.
- Java 8 or higher
- Neo4j Database (default connection: `bolt://localhost:7687`)
- Ollama service for embeddings (default service URL: ``)
To use `ragcon`, run the JAR file with the appropriate options:
--embed <file/folder>
Embed the contents of the specified PDF file or all PDFs in the specified folder into the database.
java -jar ragcon-0.26.1.jar --embed /path/to/file.pdf
java -jar ragcon-0.26.1.jar --embed /path/to/folder/
--embed-url <url>
Embed content from the specified URL into the database.
java -jar ragcon-0.26.1.jar --embed-url https://example.com/document.pdf
--embed-string <string>
Embed the specified string directly into the database.
java -jar ragcon-0.26.1.jar --embed-string "This is the content to embed."
--query <query>
Query the database with the specified text.
java -jar ragcon-0.26.1.jar --query "Find related content"
--db-url <url>
Set the Neo4j database URL. The default is bolt://localhost:7687.
java -jar ragcon-0.26.1.jar --db-url bolt://remotehost:7687
--db-user <username>
Set the Neo4j database username. The default is neo4j.
java -jar ragcon-0.26.1.jar --db-user myUsername
--db-pass <password>
Set the Neo4j database password. The default is password.
java -jar ragcon-0.26.1.jar --db-pass myPassword
--ollama-model <model>
Set the Ollama model to use for embeddings. The default is tinyllama.
java -jar ragcon-0.26.1.jar --ollama-model large-llama
--ollama-url <url>
Set the Ollama service URL. The default is
java -jar ragcon-0.26.1.jar --ollama-url http://remotehost:11434
Example Usage Scenarios:
- Embed a single PDF file:
java -jar ragcon-0.26.1.jar --embed /path/to/document.pdf
- Query the database:
java -jar ragcon-0.26.1.jar --query "Find all documents related to AI"
Contributing Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request or file an issue for any improvements or bug reports.