Type | Requirement | |
Platform |
iOS |
8.0 |
macOS |
N/A |
tvOS |
N/A |
watchOS |
N/A |
Linux |
N/A |
Xcode |
10.2 |
Language |
Swift |
5 |
is open-sourced software, licensed under the MIT
import EABlurView
Blur the whole
let blurView = DynamicBlurView(frame: view.bounds)
blurView.blurRadius = 10
UIView.animateWithDuration(0.5) {
blurView.blurRadius = 30
blurView.blurRatio = 0.5
var drawsAsynchronously: Bool
When true, it captures displays image and blur it asynchronously. Try to set true if needs more performance.
Asynchronous drawing is possibly crash when needs to process on main thread that drawing with animation for example.
Default is false.
var blurRadius: CGFloat
Strength of the blur.
var trackingMode: TrackingMode
Mode for update frequency.
is constantly updated. -
is only during scrolling update. -
is not update.
var blendColor: UIColor?
Blend in the blurred image.
var iterations: Int
Number of times for blur.
Default is 3.
var isDeepRendering: Bool
If the view want to render beyond the layer, should be true.
Default is false.
var blurRatio: CGFloat
When none of tracking mode, it can change the radius of blur with the ratio. Should set from 0 to 1.
Default is 1.
var quality: CaptureQuality
Quality of captured image.
Default is medium.