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A collection of Adobe Flex user interface components, charting controls and elements, behaviors, data types and utility classes and methods.

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Provides a collection of useful Adobe Flex user interface components, charting controls and elements, behaviors, data types and utility classes and methods.


User Interface

  • Populator

    This behavior tag populates a target Container with item renderer components for each item in a data provider. Populator watches collections for change events and dynamically adds or removes item renderer components as needed, leveraging an internal item renderer object pool to improve performance.

  • Selectable

    Similar to the jQuery UI Selectable behavior, this behavior tag manages the selection state for the child components of a target Container. It supports custom item renderer selection data fields, change events, and single or multiple selection modes.

User Interface Components


  • Button

    Extends the standard Flex Button component to add support for additional styles, such as textSelectedColor.

  • TabBar, Tab

    Extends the standard Flex TabBar and Tab components to add support for additional styles, such as textSelectedRollOverColor and selectedLabelVerticalOffset.

  • OverlappingTabBar

    Extends the TabBar component to support custom skinning requirements where the selected tab should be rendered at the top-most z-order.


  • DynamicChart, DynamicAxisRenderer

    Extends the standard Flex charting CartesianChart and AxisRenderer components and adds support for runtime changes to the set of associated AxisRenderers. Implements workarounds for bugs in the Flex Data Visualization SDK that cause runtime axisRenderer changes to be ignored, and removed axis renderers to cause null pointer exceptions. Use DynamicChart in place of any CartesianChart (AreaChart, ColumnChart, LineChart, etc.) and DynamicAxisRenderer in place of AxisRenderer.

Chart Controls

  • ChartPanControl, ChartZoomInControl, ChartZoomOutControl

    These custom chart controls can be used in the <mx:annotationElements> tag of any CartesianChart (AreaChart, ColumnChart, LineChart, etc.) to offer direct chart interactivity such as panning by mouse drag, zooming in / out by mouse click, and zooming to a rectangle by mouse drag + click. These components dispatch ChartPanEvent and ChartZoomEvent events that provide the pan offset, zoom origin or zoom rectangle in data coordinates, which can be used to update the content displayed in the chart as required to achieve the requested interaction. This component supports CSS styles for custom cursors, strokes and fills.

  • ChartHoverControl, ChartHoverCrossHairControl

    This custom chart control can be used in the <mx:annotationElements> tag of any CartesianChart (AreaChart, ColumnChart, LineChart, etc.) to detect when the user hovers the mouse over the chart. These components dispatch ChartHoverEvent events that provide the current hovered x and y coordinates in data coordinates. ChartHoverControl can be extended to implement custom hover indicator drawing logic. ChartHoverCrossHairControl extends ChartHoverControl and draws a crosshair or horizontal/vertical line at the hovered location.

Chart Elements

  • AnnotationLine

    This custom chart element can be used in the <mx:annotationElements> or <mx:backgroundElements> tag of any CartesianChart (AreaChart, ColumnChart, LineChart, etc.) to draw a line for the specified data coordinate(s). This element supports CSS styles for custom line strokes.

  • Background

    This custom chart element can be used in the <mx:backgroundElements> tag of any CartesianChart (AreaChart, ColumnChart, LineChart, etc.) to draw a custom background within the content area of the chart. This element supports CSS styles for custom background fills and border strokes.

  • DateTimeGridLines

    This custom chart element can be used in the <mx:annotationElements> or <mx:backgroundElements> tag of any CartesianChart (AreaChart, ColumnChart, LineChart, etc.) to draw grid lines at specific date time intervals. Provides a callback function for evaluating individual time intervals, and supports CSS styles for custom fills, strokes and dash patterns.

  • HighlightedRegion

    This custom chart element can be used in the <mx:annotationElements> or <mx:backgroundElements> tag of any CartesianChart (AreaChart, ColumnChart, LineChart, etc.) to draw a custom filled region for the specified x and y value ranges within the content area of the chart. This element supports CSS styles for custom fills and border strokes.

  • LinearTrendLine

    This custom chart element can be used in the <mx:annotationElements> or <mx:backgroundElements> tag of any CartesianChart (AreaChart, ColumnChart, LineChart, etc.) to calculate and draw a trend line for the visible points in the specified series. This element supports CSS styles for custom line strokes and dash patterns.

  • TruncatedAxisLabelRenderer

    This custom chart label renderer enables the standard Flex Label 'truncateToFit' behavior, adding a truncation indicator (ex. '...') and truncating label text that exceeds the available chart gutter bounds.


  • BoxFrame

    Extends the standard Flex Box container and modifies its behavior so that it grows its own scrollbars when content exceeds its bounds (rather than depending on or affecting the parent container).


  • DateRangeInput

    A custom user interface component that allows the user to enter or modify a date range via DateFields, within a specified available date range, with integrated validation.

  • DateRangeSlider

    A custom user interface component that allows a user to select any number of date ranges, within an available date range, using slider thumbs over a content area to move and resize each selected date range. An underlying content component may be specified, such as a chart, to appear below the thumbs. This component supports an extensive set of CSS styles for custom skinning of the slider background, cursors, slider thumbs and grips.

    A DateRangeSlider, with a chart specified as its content, provides functionality comparable to the date range sliders featured in Google and Yahoo Finance.

  • MonthPicker

    A custom user interface component that allows the user to select a month and year via ComboBoxes, within a specified available data range, with integrated validation.

Item Renderers

  • BoxItemRenderer, CanvasItemRenderer

    These custom components are special Container implementations for use in custom item renderers for List, DataGrid, Populator, etc. components. They implement IListItemRenderer, IDropInListItemRenderer, and IDataRenderer, and manage selection and rollover state. They expose useful properties for binding, such as isMouseOver, isMouseDown, isHighlighted and isSelected. Additionally, they add style support for custom border skins with 'up', 'over', 'down', 'disabled' states (and the corresponding 'selected' states).

User Interface Templates

  • Group

    This template is a Box Container that expects a data provider and item renderer factory, and dynamically populates itself with item renderer instances for the items in the specified data provider. It leverages the Populator behavior.

  • CheckGroup, RadioGroup

    These templates are Box Containers that expect a data provider, item renderer and selected item(s), dynamically populate themselves with item renderer instances for the items in the specified data provider and manage their selection state. They support custom item renderer selection data fields and change event types. They leverage the Populator and Selectable behaviors. They dispatches Event.CHANGE events when the user changes the selected item.

  • MasterDetails

    This template manages master and detail components within a divided box. The detail view can be collapsed and expanded, with animation.

Data Types

  • DateRange

    Describes a date range between a starting time and an ending time. Provides useful utility methods for date range related operations, such as determining if the DateRange contains a given Date or intersects another DateRange, and creating Dates and DateRanges that are bounded by the DateRange.

  • FrequencyBin

    Describes an element of a frequency distribution, including sample value range, frequency and percentage.

  • NumericRange

    Describes a numeric range between a minimum and maximum value. Provides useful utility methods for range related operations, such as determining if the numeric range contains a value and partitioning the numeric range into smaller numeric ranges.

  • Option

    Describes a generic option with a label and a value.

  • Property

    Describes a property by property path (potentially deeply nested and expressed as dot notation). Provides methods for verifying the existence of the property and getting and setting the corresponding value for property for a given object instance.

  • TemporalData, SampleSet

    Describes data with a time element, with a configurable date field name. Provides useful properties and utility methods for temporal data related operations, such as calculating the associated date range, creating a subset for a given date range, getting an data item by date and getting the nearest data item by date.

  • TimeInterval

    Describes an interval of time by count and unit (millisecond, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year, etc.). Provides useful methods for time interval related operations, such iterating a date range against a visitor function and incrementing and decrementing dates.


  • ClassFactory

    ClassFactory improves significantly upon the mx.core.ClassFactory:

    • The generator specified can be a Class, String, IFactory, or Object instance.
    • Constructor parameters are supported.
    • Initialization properties (specified as key/value pairs) are assigned to each instance created by the factory.
    • Event listener(s) can be added for specified event types (if the instance created is an IEventDispatcher).
  • DataRendererFactory

    DataRendererFactory is used to generate IDataRenderer instances for use with Lists, Grids and Populators where the developer needs to customize settings on each renderer instance based on the current value of the corresponding 'data' object. DataRendererFactory introduces the support for runtime data-driven properties, which update in response to to runtime changes of the backing 'data' object.

  • StyleableFactory

    StyleableFactory extends ClassFactory to add support for initializing generated instances with styles.

    StyleableFactory allows developers to include or mix style settings in properties; this feature reduces the developers burden to remember if a specific component option is a 'style' or a 'property'.

  • StyleableRendererFactory

    StyleableRendererFactory is used to generate IDataRenderer instances for use with Lists, Grids and Populators where the developer needs to customize settings on each renderer instance based on the current value of the corresponding 'data' object.

    StyleableRendererFactory introduces support for runtime data-driven properties and styles, which update in response to runtime changes of the backing 'data' object.


  • Label

    Extends the standard Flex Label component to add support for additional styles, such as linkColor, linkDecoration, hoverLinkColor, hoverLinkDecoration, activeLinkColor and activeLinkDecoration, which configure the text color and presence of underlines for normal, hover and active states of links specified in HTML text.

  • Text

    Extends the standard Flex Text component to add support for additional styles, such as linkColor, linkDecoration, hoverLinkColor, hoverLinkDecoration, activeLinkColor and activeLinkDecoration which configuring the text color and presence of underlines for normal, hover and active states of links specified in HTML text.


  • ArrayUtil

    Utility methods related to Arrays, such as clone(), equals(), contains(), containing(), merge(), merging(), exclude(), excluding(), difference().

  • BitmapDataUtil

    Utility methods related to BitmapData, such as grayscale(), tint(), brightness() and transparency().

  • ClassUtil

    Utility methods related to Classes, such as getClassFor(), createInstance() with variable constructor arguments.

  • CollectionViewUtil

    Utility methods related to CollectionViewUtil such as create() to create an ICollectionView from an Object parameter.

  • ComparatorUtil

    Utility methods related to deep object instance comparison, returning a collection of Property instances describing the instance properties that differ.

  • DateUtil

    Utility methods related to Dates, such compare(), duration(), min(), max(), range(), floor(), ceil(), etc. and constants for representing time units, days and (localized) months. Dates can be represented as Date instances, numeric date/time values or Strings. Supports date field names and deeply nested properties via dot notation.

  • DelayedCall

    Utility methods for scheduling delayed calls to a specified function with arguments.

  • DictionaryUtil

    Utility methods related to Dictionary, such as toArray(), createFromObjectProperties(), createExistenceIndex(), createObjectIndexByKey(), createObjectIndexByProperty().

  • DisplayObjectContainerUtil

    Utility methods related to interaction with DisplayObjectContainers (or Containers) including easily obtaining an Array of children and re-ordering children using bringForward(), bringToFront(), sendBackward() and sendToBack().

  • EventDispatcherUtil

    Utility methods related to EventDispatcher, such as addEventListeners().

  • FactoryPool

    An object pool that wraps an IFactory.

  • FormatUtil

    Utility methods related to formatting, such as formatNumberOrdinalSuffix().

  • GraphicsUtil

    Utility methods related to Graphics, such as drawPolyLine().

  • InvalidationTracker

    Implements support for [Invalidate("displaylist,properties,size")] metadata on [Bindable] public properties as an alternative to the common pattern of writing verbose boilerplate code to define custom get / set method pairs with a backing variable and changed flags.

  • ImageUtil

    Utility methods related to Image content, such as grayscale(), tint(), brightness() and transparency().

  • IterableUtil

    Utility methods related to iterable item sets (Array, ArrayCollection, Proxy, etc.), such as getItemById(), getItemIndexById(), getItemByIndex(), getItemsByProperty(), getFirstItem(), and getLastItem(). Supports custom id field names and deep property traversal via dot notation.

  • LogicUtil

    Utility methods related to Boolean expression logic, such as and() and or(), useful for expressing && in MXML attributes.

  • MetadataUtil

    Utility methods related to Metadata, such as getMetadataAttribute().

  • NumberUtil

    Utility methods related to Number, such as compare(), isWholeNumber(), sanitizeNumber().

  • PropertyUtil

    Utility methods related to Object properties, such as applyProperties(), getObjectPropertyValue() and hasProperty(). Supports deeply nested properties via dot notation.

  • RandomUtil

    Utility methods related to generating random numbers, such as between().

  • RectangleUtil

    Utility methods related to Rectangle, such as isValid(), normalize(), translate(), and center().

  • RuntimeEvaluationUtil

    Utility methods related to runtime evaluation of values against an Object instance.

  • SampleSetUtil

    Utility methods related to SampleSets, such as collating SampleSets of potentially differing sampling intervals into a combined TemporalData instance containing the sample data with the finest granularity.

  • SkinUtil

    Utility methods related to component skins, such as create(), layout(), resize() and validate(). Supports DisplayObject, IInvalidating, IProgrammaticSkin and ISimpleStyleClient skins.

  • StatisticUtil

    Utility methods relating to statistics, such as frequency(), mean(), range(), standardDeviation(), sum(), and variance(). Supports value field names and deeply nested properties via dot notation.

  • StringInflectionUtil

    Utility methods related to String inflection, such as n() which returns either the singular or plural string based on the specified count.

  • StyleUtil

    Utility methods related to styles, such as getStyleDeclaration(), setStyleDeclaration() and applyStyles().

  • XMLUtil

    Utility methods related to XML, such as initFromXML(), toProperties(), getAttribute(), isAttributeTrue(), isBoolean() and isTrue().



A collection of Adobe Flex user interface components, charting controls and elements, behaviors, data types and utility classes and methods.






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