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OceanMesh2D V5.0

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@CHLNDDEV CHLNDDEV released this 02 Aug 01:58
· 96 commits to Projection since this release

[5.0.0] - 2021-08-01


  • now will rewind the iteration set in the case mesh improvement cannot improve the qualities. #234
  • msh.plot() now has a cmap in which the user can specify their any cmocean colormap
  • radius_separated_points function that trims the points in the mesh to have a specified resolution that can be used before m_quiver so that vectors are evenly plotted. #225
  • Deleting boundary conditions by specifyng their indices in field. See #205
  • Ability for user to set their own axis limits when plotting with msh.plot(). #224


  • Minor fix to msh.make_bc using the auto method. #237
  • correction in setting stereographic projection bounds in setProj to make sure points are not pushed outside and become NaNs (was limited to radius of 178 deg but made sure can go up to full 180 deg). #225
  • Correctly deleting weirs from boundary object through make_bc delete method. See #205
  • Array format fix for reading in ibtype and nvell from fort.14 file and when executing carry_over_weirs. See #206
  • Fix for irregular grid spacings in DEMs. See #204
  • tidal constituents for Make_f15 can now contain "major8" in addition to other constituents in the string/cell array #221
  • Correctly collect NDBC and NOS stations in mesh when creating fort15 file using Make_f15 for meteorological, velocity and elevation records #242


  • msh.plot() using type bd option now creates a legend for the different boundary condition types. #247
  • forcing facecolor to white in m_trimesh so that it does not intefere with background color option. #245
  • made topographic elevation bound option for max_ele, wl, slp, and g edgefx kwargs consistent and added explanation of this option is included in edgefx help. #230
  • m_plot() function calls m_grid() with background color input kwarg (if backcolor option used) instead of manual application. #225
  • tidal_data_to_ob function called from Make_f15 populates boundary condition tidal constituents that do not exist in the tidal database with zero values so that user can add user-defined values later (previously did not populate). #225
  • Improved cmocean for pivot handling with discrete colormap. #225
  • Renamed Calc_NLCD_Mannings to Calc_Mannings_Landcover and making option for 'ccap' landcover type in addition to 'nlcd' (default) and added the ability to using user specified inteprolation (e.g., nearest, linear, cell-averaging, etc.) of the landcover data to the mesh vertices. #221