Container recipes for Deep Learning for architecture x86_64 based on a CentOS 7. In the specific:
- centos7.8.2003
- GNU compiler 7
- Python 3.6
- OpenMPI 2.1.1 (compiled with support for psm2, pmix, verbs)
- Tensorflow 1.14.0 CPU (pip)
- Py-Torch 1.4.0 CPU (pip)
- Torchvision 0.5.0 CPU (pip)
- MxNet 1.6.0 CPU (pip)
- Horovod 0.19.1 (compiled with Tensorflow, Pytorch, MxNet)
This recipe works on both clusters in Cineca (arch x86_64):
- Marconi Skylake,
- Galileo