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This repo is for the Forseti Python package. For the code and scripts used for reproducing the results in the Forseti paper, please refer to forseti-experiments.

Forseti is a predictive model to probabilistically assign a splicing status to scRNA-seq reads. Our model has two key components: first, we train a binding affinity model to assign a probability that a given transcriptomic site is used in fragment generation; second, we fit a robust fragment length distribution model that generalizes well across datasets deriving from different species and tissue types.

Forseti combines these two trained models to predict the splicing status of the molecule of origin of reads by scoring putative fragments that associate each alignment of sequenced reads with proximate potential priming sites.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to predict the splicing status of scRNA-seq for a standard scRNA-Seq dataset using Forseti.

Set up and download Forseti

Before start, you can run the following commands to create a working directory and download the Forseti repo from Github. We alias this directory and use the alias below so that you can easily set it to something else and still copy and paste the later shell commands.

# Run in shell
# Set up the working directory
export $FST_SAMPLE_DIR=$PWD/forseti_sample_dir
mkdir -p $FST_SAMPLE_DIR

# Download the Forseti package
git clone .

Download sample data and references

For this tutorial, we use sample dataset PBMC1k (v3) healthy donor samples from 10X website.

# Download the FASTQ files 
mkdir -p $FASTQ_DIR

wget -qO- | tar xf - --strip-components=1 -C $FASTQ_DIR

# Download human reference genome build and gene annotations
export REF_DIR="$FST_SAMPLE_DIR/data/refdata-gex-GRCh38-2020-A"
mkdir -p $REF_DIR

wget -qO- | tar xzf - --strip-components=1 -C $REF_DIR

Set up environments

Notes: To handle the potential conflicts for environments having both R and python, we have two seperate envs:

  • build_spliceu_r for building spliceu index.
  • forseti_test for the rest of the tutorial.
# Create the env for building spliceu index
conda env create -f $FST_SAMPLE_DIR/forseti/envs/build_spliceu_r.yml
# Activate the env
conda activate build_spliceu_r

1- Build the spliceu index

The R script build_spliceu.R will build a spliceu (spliced + unspliced), an augmented transcriptome reference consisting of a augmented gene annotation GTF file, a transcriptome FASTA file, and a transcript-to-gene mapping TSV file. These files will be used in the later steps to align reads and predict the splicing status.

Input: A standard reference, including a gene annotation file(.gtf) and the corresponding genome build (.fasta).
Output: The spliceu augmented reference: spliceu.gtf, spliceu.fa, t2g_3col.tsv

# Run in shell
export IDX_DIR="$FST_SAMPLE_DIR/data/spliceu_refs"
Rscript $FST_SAMPLE_DIR/forseti/preprocess/build_spliceu.R $REF_DIR/fasta/genome.fa $REF_DIR/genes/genes.gtf $IDX_DIR 12
mv $REF_DIR/fasta/genome.fa $IDX_DIR/genome.fa
mv $REF_DIR/genes/genes.gtf $IDX_DIR/genes.gtf
# When you completed the step-1, deactivate its env with this command
conda deactivate 

Then, you can use the yml file to create an environment for Forseti.

conda env create -f $FST_SAMPLE_DIR/forseti/envs/forseti.yml
conda activate forseti_test

2- Align with STAR

With the following commmands, generate genome indices for STAR.

# Run in shell
STAR --runThreadN 12 \
--runMode genomeGenerate --genomeDir $IDX_DIR \
--genomeFastaFiles $IDX_DIR/genome.fa \
--sjdbGTFfile $IDX_DIR/spliceu.gtf \
--sjdbOverhang 100

Run the scripts below to align the downloaded PBMC1k sample data with STAR.

Input: reads in FATSQ files, spliceu indices
Output: uniquely mapped reads (.bam)

# Align the reads to reference

export STAR_out=$FST_SAMPLE_DIR/STAR_out
mkdir -p $STAR_out

STAR --runThreadN 12 \
    --readFilesIn $FASTQ_DIR/pbmc_1k_v3_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz,$FASTQ_DIR/pbmc_1k_v3_S1_L002_R2_001.fastq.gz $FASTQ_DIR/pbmc_1k_v3_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz,$FASTQ_DIR/pbmc_1k_v3_S1_L002_R1_001.fastq.gz\
    --readFilesCommand zcat \
    --genomeDir $STAR_IDX_DIR \
    --outFileNamePrefix $STAR_out \
    --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
    --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM \
    --soloType CB_UMI_Simple \
    --soloUMIlen 12 \
    --soloBarcodeReadLength 0 \
    --soloCBwhitelist $FST_SAMPLE_DIR/data/whitelist/3M-february-2018.txt \
    --soloFeatures GeneFull \
    --outSAMattributes NH HI nM AS CR UR CB UB GX GN sS sQ sM \
    --limitIObufferSize 50000000 50000000 
  • --readFilesIn passes the path to your fastq file.
  • Use --readFilesCommand zcat if you have compressed fastq files (i.e. *.gz)
  • With --genomeDir option, you pass the path to the folder storing the spliceu index.
  • --outFileNamePrefix passes the path to your output
  • --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate will output the sorted BAM file
  • With --quantMode TranscriptomeSAM, STAR will output alignments translated into transcript coordinates, and --quantTranscriptomeBan Singleend allows insertions, deletions ans soft-clips in the transcriptomic alignments.
  • The PBMC1k data in this tutorial is 10X chemistry v3, so we use --soloType CB_UMI_Simple , --soloUMIlen 12, --soloBarcodeReadLength 0 and --soloCBwhitelist 3M-february-2018.txt.
  • --soloFeatures GeneFull outputs exon and intron UMI counts.

Note: The following section is an OPTINAL step for standard process. In short, we extract the top cells to reduce the time for the tutorial. Therefore,

  • if you are playing with the 10X 1kPBMC sample data and want to save time and check how the predcition model works, you could follow this step.
  • If you are using a small dataset, you can skip this section and continue to the next step: filter the reads have unique map to the genome.

The 10X 1kPBMC sample data have 200 million algnments when mapping to Transcriptom. To reduce the time taken for completing the tutorial, we extract the top 200 cells. The filtering is done based on the gene count matrix provided on 10X website. The top cells defined by cells with at least 3000 genes in count matrix. If you are playing with the 10X 1kPBMC sample data, you can check the scripts we used to filter the reads, which is saved in forseti/preprocess/ and The filtered bam file contains 65,784,347 alignments, and will take 3.3 hour in 32threads for the prediciton.

Then, we use samtools to filter the reads have unique map to the genome.

# Run in shell
# filter genome unique mapped reads 
# `-d NH:1` with this flag, we get the uniquely mapped reads(i.e. number of hit is 1).
samtools view -d NH:1 $STAR_OUT_DIR/Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam -o $STAR_OUT_DIR/filtered_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam

# extract the list of unique map reads
samtools view $STAR_OUT_DIR/filtered_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam | cut -f1 > $STAR_OUT_DIR/unimap_read_names.txt
# extract the toTx record based on the unique maped read list
samtools view \
    -N $STAR_OUT_DIR/unimap_read_names.txt \
    -o $STAR_OUT_DIR/filtered_Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam \

# find the reads 100% mapped in a exonic region (i.e. ambiguous reads)
bedtools intersect \
-a $STAR_OUT_DIR/filtered_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam \
-b $IDX_DIR/exon_by_tx.bed \
-f 1.0 \
-wo \
-bed \
> $STAR_OUT_DIR/exonic_reads.bed

# extract the list of exonic reads
cut -f 4 $STAR_OUT_DIR/exonic_reads.bed > $STAR_OUT_DIR/exonic_read_name.txt
# filter the exonic reads in toTranscriptome.bam file
samtools view -N $STAR_OUT_DIR/exonic_read_name.txt -o $STAR_OUT_DIR/exonic_Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam $STAR_OUT_DIR/filtered_Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam

3- Apply Forseti prediction model

There are several things you want to know before playing with the model.

  1. What kind of reads we will cover in this model?

The model targets reads that map uniquely to a single location on the genome, filtering out any reads that are mapped to multiple genomic positions. Despite their unique mapping, these reads may still present compatibility with transcripts in both splicing statuses—spliced and unspliced—introducing splicing status ambiguity. In addition, reads mapped to regions where gene overlap occurs can lead to gene origin ambiguity,leading to the gene origin ambiguity.

  1. How we classify the reads before we run the predcition model?

Before running our prediction model, we classify uniquely mapped reads into three categories based on their alignments to the transcriptomic reference. These categories are 'U' for unspliced, 'S' for spliced, and 'A' for ambiguous reads. Considering that reads may be compatible with multiple transcripts, we identify these as potential transcripts (abbreviated as 'Tx') of origin for the read. The read is considered unspliced ('U') if all of its potential Tx are unspliced versions; it is classified as spliced ('S') if all potential Tx are spliced versions.

Ambiguous reads ('A') are those compatible with both spliced and unspliced transcripts. Our prediction model processes these ambiguous reads and accurately predict splicing status for them. Note, some reads can remain ambiguous after the prediction.

Now, you are ready to use the Forseti model! Forseti is implemented in Python and you could easily import the forseti package, then call the master function named forseti_predictor for the splicing status prediction.

Overall, you need 6 inputs:

  • 4 files from previous steps
  • 2 built-in models
  • 1 parameter setting section.

Forseti will return 2 objects:

  • forseti_dict for prediction results
  • predicitons_log for log information.

forseti_dict is a dictionary of { readname : read_predictions }. The read_predictions was saved with ForsetiReads object and ForsetiPredcitions object.

Here is a detailed example for how to use the prediction model:

3.0- Import required packages

Note: All scripts below (3.0-3.3) will be executed in Python. Make sure you created this python file on the top level of the forseti_sample_dir folder.

import os
from forseti.modules.prediction_model import forseti_predictor, get_initial_splicing_status

3.1- Prepare input files.

Specify the path to spliceu fasta file and t2g file you've got from Step1-Build spliceu index, and the toTxome bam file (use Trasncriptom as reference) from Step2-Align with STAR. Also, the unimap read names derived from the toGenome bam file(use Genome as reference).

# Pass the paths to input files
forseti_sample_dir= os.getcwd()
idx_dir = os.path.join(forseti_sample_dir, 'data','spliceu_refs')

spliceu_fasta_file = os.path.join(idx_dir, "spliceu.fa")
t2g_file = os.path.join(idx_dir, "t2g_3col.tsv")

reads_txome_bam_file = os.path.join(
    forseti_sample_dir, 'STAR_out', 'Aligned.toTranscriptome.out.bam')
unimap_read_names_file = os.path.join(
    forseti_sample_dir, 'STAR_out','unimap_read_names.txt')

We provide 2 pre-built models: the spline model for fragment length distribution and the mlp model for binding affinity prediction.

# Pass the path for spline model and mlp model
spline_model_file = os.path.join(forseti_sample_dir, "forseti","pre_built_models", "spline_model.pkl")
mlp_model_file = os.path.join(forseti_sample_dir, "forseti","pre_built_models","mlp_pa6with1mm.pkl")

Set up parameters if you don't want to use the default values listed below.

# Parameter setting (default)
snr_min_size = 6 
discount_perc = 1 
polya_tail_len = 200
max_frag_len = 1000
num_threads = 12
  • With snr_min_size, you can define the minimum length of valid adenine-single nucleotide repeat(aSNR). The mlp model will only look for the priming window containing valid aSNR. The default length is 6, suggesting that priming window should contain an aSNR of length at least 6(i.e. 'AAAAAA').
  • discount_perc enables to apply a discount ratio on internal polyA against terminal polyA. The default is 1, which means the intrernal polyA and terminal polyA have same weight and there is no discount.
  • polya_tail_len is the length of polyA tailed we extend at the end of the transcript.
  • max_frag_len represent the maximum range the model would search for the priming window. The default is 1000 bp, we will search the downstream 1000 for sense alignments and upstream 1000 for reverse alignments.
  • For this model, num_threads is not the bottleneck, just for parallel processing. You can use as many as you have.

3.2- Apply the prediciton function

Yippee 🎉! Now, you have done with preparing all input files, models and the parameter setting. You can directly call the prediction function with the following scripts.

forseti_dict, predicitons_log = forseti_predictor(reads_txome_bam_file, unimap_read_names_file, spliceu_fasta_file, t2g_file, spline_model_file,mlp_model_file, polya_tail_len, discount_perc, snr_min_size, num_threads)

3.3- Access to the prediction results

Here, we use different examples to show you how to access to the prediction record for each read.

First, we get the prediction record from forseti dict by its read name. For each forseti_read, you can obtain its read name and boolean for whether it is multi-mapped.

  • In our model, if'is_multi_mapped' is TRUE, which means the we got one best gene for the read's origin; while 'is_multi_mapped' is FALSE, indicates that there are multiple best genes and they got a tie, and all of them will be listed in the predicitons.

For the predictions :

  • splicing_status :
    • 'U' for 'Unspliced read'
    • 'S' for 'Spliced read'
    • 'A' for 'Ambiguous read'
  • gene_id : the gene id of origin
  • orientation :
    • '+' for sense
    • '-' for antisense
  • max_prob : represents the maximum probobability when comparing antisense_prob and sense_prob for this gene
  • unsplice_prob : probobability of reads is unsplice
  • splice_prob : probobability of reads is splice

For reads have unique assigned gene(i.e. forseti_read.is_multi_mapped == True), you can get the only predciiton record by calling '.get_get_predictions()', and then access the specific prediction record values. Below, we show what does the prediciton results look like in 4 examples. Reads are assigned to S(Spliced), U(Unspliced), A(Ambiguous), and multi-mapped reads.

# example 1
rname = 'A00228:279:HFWFVDMXX:1:1109:30454:13463'
forseti_read = forseti_dict[rname]
print(forseti_read.read_name) # A00228:279:HFWFVDMXX:1:1109:30454:13463
print(forseti_read.is_multi_mapped) # False
prediction = forseti_read.get_predictions()
print(prediction.splicing_status) # S ,indicates spliced
print(prediction.gene_id) # ENSG00000115282
print(prediction.orientation) # +, indicates sense strand
print(prediction.max_prob) # 6.176078485466973e-05
print(prediction.unsplice_prob) # 0.0
print(prediction.splice_prob) # 1.0

# example 2
rname = 'A00228:279:HFWFVDMXX:1:1117:25518:32972'
forseti_read = forseti_dict[rname]
print(forseti_read.read_name) # 'A00228:279:HFWFVDMXX:1:1117:25518:32972'
print(forseti_read.is_multi_mapped) # False
prediction = forseti_read.get_predictions()
print(prediction.splicing_status) # U ,indicates unspliced
print(prediction.gene_id) # ENSG00000117616
print(prediction.orientation) # + , indicates sense strand
print(prediction.max_prob) # 0.006903024469278407
print(prediction.unsplice_prob) # 0.6380657291449385
print(prediction.splice_prob) # 0.36193427085506147

# example 3 for Ambiguous read
rname = 'A00228:279:HFWFVDMXX:1:1101:6994:26256'
forseti_read = forseti_dict[rname]
print(forseti_read.read_name) # 'A00228:279:HFWFVDMXX:1:1117:25518:32972'
print(forseti_read.is_multi_mapped) # False
prediction = forseti_read.get_predictions()
print(prediction.splicing_status) # A ,indicates ambiguous
print(prediction.gene_id) # ENSG00000026025
print(prediction.orientation) # + , indicates sense strand
print(prediction.max_prob) # 0.0003280696383465825
print(prediction.unsplice_prob) # 0.5
print(prediction.splice_prob) # 0.5

# example 4 for how to access the predcition for multimapped reads
rname = 'A00228:279:HFWFVDMXX:1:1101:25373:1783'
forseti_read = forseti_dict[rname]

prediction_lst = forseti_read.get_predictions()
for prediction in prediction_lst:

For the multi-mapped reads. it will return the list of predcitions:


Then, the log shows the summarized information of the prediction:

  • read_count : the total number of reads.
  • final_multi_gene_count : In the final prediction, we count how many reads are multi-gene mapped.
  • rescued_multigene_count : This count includes reads that initially align with multiple genes, but have a determinative gene origin by comparing the prediction scores.
  • final_ambiguous_count : For reads that are ultimately mapped to a unique gene (originally mapped to a unique gene or rescued), if their final splicing status remains ambiguous, they are included in the 'final_ambiguous_count'.
# Check the summarized log info
    num of reads: {predicitons_log["read_count"]}
    num of final multimapped reads: {predicitons_log["final_multi_gene_count"]}
    num of rescued multimapped reads: {predicitons_log["rescued_multigene_count"]}
    num of final ambiguous reads: {predicitons_log["final_ambiguous_count"]}


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