- 每位组员的initial idea
- 经过讨论后的final idea
- 2.1 项目features
- Story (初步完成)
- GamePlay(汉译叫游戏设置,我看主要是讲了游戏玩法)(想法已确立)
- Theme(主题,但我看还有场景介绍)(需要确定游戏场景)
- Characters (角色)(已有想法,素材需要筛选)
- Game Features (游戏特色)(已有想法,需要讨论确定放哪些)
- Ambitious Features (???不大懂是啥)
- 2.2 Design principles that influenced design of project.
- Pursuing and achieving goals (challenges)
- Interactivity
- Feedback about position relative to goals
- Interesting choices required to achieve goals
- Consistency and fairness
- Avoid repetition
- 。。。(这是老师PPT给的,还可以自己加)
- 2.3 Set of rules for project
- Constitutive Rules – define the game (构成性原则)
- Operational Rules – shape game play (操作规则)
- Implicit Rules – unwritten but accepted byplaye (隐含规则)
- 3.1 Software requirements (functional/non-functional requirements)(Moodle有user case,视情况而定写不写)
- 3.2 Acceptance tests (画表格,有两种方式,本质一样,编号,什么测试,干什么,结果,通不通过)
-(1) ID Given When Then Passed
-(2) ID Description Input Expected output Pass/fail
高士玮 陈宇轩
- 4.1 Task list throughout the term (for weeks 3-8) (表格)
- 4.1.1 risk assessment
- 4.2 Project plan for implementation of the project in term 2, including milestones and deliverables from weeks 5-12
- 4.3 Activity network with critical path, and Ganttcha chart