Once our server is up:
const FacebookTokenStrategy = require('passport-facebook-token');
passport.use(new FacebookTokenStrategy({
fbGraphVersion: 'v3.0'
}, function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
User.findOrCreate({facebookId: profile.id}, function (error, user) {
return done(error, user);
We immediately configure our authentication strategy by newing the FacebookTokenStrategy
, let's look into class definition of FacebookTokenStrategy
module.exports = class FacebookTokenStrategy extends OAuth2Strategy {
constructor (_options, _verify) {
const options = _options || {};
const verify = _verify;
const _fbGraphVersion = options.fbGraphVersion || 'v2.6';
options.authorizationURL = options.authorizationURL || `https://www.facebook.com/${_fbGraphVersion}/dialog/oauth`;
options.tokenURL = options.tokenURL || `https://graph.facebook.com/${_fbGraphVersion}/oauth/access_token`;
super(options, verify);
this.name = 'facebook-token';
this._accessTokenField = options.accessTokenField || 'access_token';
The constructor of FacebookTokenStrategy would be executed, and it also triggers OAuth2Strategy
, which is its parent class, by super(options, verify)
, an important thing I want to mention here is,
options.authorizationURL = options.authorizationURL || `https://www.facebook.com/${_fbGraphVersion}/dialog/oauth`;
options.tokenURL = options.tokenURL || `https://graph.facebook.com/${_fbGraphVersion}/oauth/access_token`;
super(options, verify);
The declarations of options.authorizationURL
and options.tokenURL
are not used even they are passed to OAuth2Strategy
. https://www.facebook.com/${_fbGraphVersion}/dialog/oauth
and https://graph.facebook.com/${_fbGraphVersion}/oauth/access_token
are mentioned in https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/manually-build-a-login-flow.
It once made me think this module really goes through the flow from Step A to Step D again, which it's already been done on frontend when user log in by Facebook Login JavaScript SDK, because the callback of FacebookTokenStrategy
returns an accessToken
+--------+ +---------------+
| |--(A)- Authorization Request ->| Resource |
| | | Owner |
| |<-(B)-- Authorization Grant ---| |
| | +---------------+
| |
| | +---------------+
| |--(C)-- Authorization Grant -->| Authorization |
| Client | | Server |
| |<-(D)----- Access Token -------| |
| | +---------------+
| |
| | +---------------+
| |--(E)----- Access Token ------>| Resource |
| | | Server |
| |<-(F)--- Protected Resource ---| |
+--------+ +---------------+
Figure 1: Abstract Protocol Flow
I'll show you that this accessToken
is still the one we get from frontend and give it to passport's authenticate
function (req, res) { ... },
A small sum up here is, acutally the mechanism of this module to verify the user is mainly with
userProfile (accessToken, done) {
let profileURL = new URL(this._profileURL);
// For further details, refer to https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/securing-graph-api/
if (this._enableProof) {
const proof = crypto.createHmac('sha256', this._clientSecret).update(accessToken).digest('hex');
profileURL.search = `${profileURL.search ? profileURL.search + '&' : ''}appsecret_proof=${encodeURIComponent(proof)}`;
This module doesn't re-ask another accessToken
, it just uses the one we give and the app secret that only our backend knows to make a request to fetch user's profile, so if any one of accessToken
or appSecret
is wrong, we won't get the user profile.
⚠️ The test to do: in https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/securing-graph-api/ which is mentioned in the comment in theuserProfile
above, it says we have to turn onRequre App Secret
. In development mode now, I haven't turned on that and there has been no problem yet. But it should be turned on or our practice of authentication would be just meaningless?
Brief notes here:
The OAuth2Strategy.prototype.authenticate in
is never executed when we are usingFacebookTokenStrategy
, it has its ownauthenticate
funtion, we are using this one. -
is inherited fromOAuth2Strategy
, but if you look into it, it ends up using theuserProfile
defined inFacebookTokenStrategy
facebook-src-token/src/index.js passport-oauth2/lib/strategy.js oauth/lib/oauth2.js
Configuration phase
FacebookTokenStrategy OAuth2Strategy OAuth2
constructor() {
super(); --------------------------> ...
this._oauth2 = new OAuth2(...); --------------------------> exports.OAuth2 =
) {
this._clientId= clientId;
this._clientSecret= clientSecret;
this._baseSite= baseSite;
this._authorizeUrl= authorizePath
|| "/oauth/authorize";
this._accessTokenUrl= accessTokenPath
|| "/oauth/access_token";
this._accessTokenName= "access_token";
this._authMethod= "Bearer";
this._customHeaders = customHeaders
|| {};
// It doens't make any request
facebook-src-token/src/index.js passport-oauth2/lib/strategy.js oauth/lib/oauth2.js
When passport.authenticate('facebook-token') happens
FacebookTokenStrategy OAuth2Strategy OAuth2
authenticate() {
const accessToken =
this.lookup(req, this._accessTokenField); (inherited)
this._loadUserProfile(accessToken, ()=>{}); ----------> OAuth2Strategy.prototype._loadUserProfile() {
} var self = this;
function () {
userProfile (accessToken, done) { <---------- return self.userProfile(accessToken, done);
const proof = // self ----> FacebookTokenStrategy
crypto.createHmac( }
'sha256', }
profileURL.search =
`${profileURL.search ?
profileURL.search + '&'
profileURL.search =
`${profileURL.search ?
profileURL.search + '&'
this._oauth2.get(profileURL, accessToken, () => { -------------------------------------------------------------> this._request(
// a request to facebook to fetch "GET",
// user profile just happened. url,
) {};
// The rest of this callback handles
// the profile data and call the
// `done` which is the callback from
// our app.
The url to this request is ‘/v8.0/me?appsecret_proof=xxxx&fields=id,name,last_name,first_name,middle_name,email&access_token=xxxxx’
which is actually a graph api with appsecret
To see how authenticate handles error:
for success case: https://github.com/jaredhanson/passport/blob/9b9dbaa3eb3fc3b561812d95793e1ff6a355c3b8/lib/sessionmanager.js#L12