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Planning software and database for Active Transportation Projects


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Los Angeles Department of Transportation (DOT) Project Tool

This planning and management tool helps add, review, edit, and search current and future transportation projects.


Table of Contents

Getting Started

Following these instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running for development purposes.


You will need the following installed in order to run this project:

  • postgresql, at least v9.4
  • node.js & npm

Installing Locally

Install the required npm packages.

npm install

Run sequelize migrations.

sequelize db:migrate

To start the application:

npm start

Installing on Cloud9

You'll need to do some basic setup and configuration to run on Cloud9:

  • Upgrade the postgres database to version 9.4 because of the jsonb data type.
  • Set up the postgres user's password to match the config settings.
  • Set up the NODE_ENV environment variable.

Set up a Cloud9 workspace

Create a Cloud9 account. Note: Cloud9 requires you to enter a credit card as protection against abuse of their free services.

Connect your Cloud9 account with your GitHub account through your account settings on the Connected Services page. Once you're connected, go to your Cloud9 dashboard and create a new workspace.

Give your project a name. Free accounts are only allotted one Private workspace, so unless you really want this project to be that one, select Public for your workspace.

Next up, we want to connect our workspace to a GitHub repo so the project code is loaded and we can push our changes to the repository. We have two ways to do this:

  1. Use the original GitHub repo's SSH URL:
  1. Fork the original GitHub repo and use the SSH URL of our fork:<YOUR-USERNAME-HERE>/dot-planner.git

Leave the template to its selected default of HTML5 - this is more applicable if you're starting a new project from scratch - and create your workspace!

Remove postgres v9.3

As mentioned earlier, you'll need to upgrade postgres. Cloud9 installs v9.3 by default, but this project uses the jsonb datatype and thus requires v9.4. Note: run sudo service postgresql stop to stop postgres if postgres is currently running.

Run the following command to remove postgres (note: the dollar sign ($) indicates the command line in Linux and is not meant to be typed as part of the command):

$ sudo apt-get --purge remove postgresql\*

Install postgres v9.4

The instructions below were adapted from this Cloud9 support page.

Run the following command to edit the pgdg.list file using the vi editor:

$ sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list

Hit the 'i' key to enter "insert" mode. Type out the following text:

deb trusty-pgdg main

Hit the 'Esc' key to exit "insert" mode. Type ':x' to exit and save. To confirm your work was saved, you can use the following command to print the file contents to the terminal:

$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list

Run the following commands to install postgres v9.4:

$ wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.4

Set up postgres v9.4

Some setup needs to be done on this new install of postgres. First, modify the pg_hba.conf config file to trust local connections:

$ sudo vi /etc/postgresql/9.4/main/pg_hba.conf

Hit the 'i' key to enter "insert" mode. Use the arrow keys to move your cursor down past the commented portions until you reach this line:

local   all             postgres                                peer

Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the last column and replace the word peer with trust:

local   all             postgres                                trust

Hit the 'Esc' key to exit "insert" mode. Type ':x' to exit and save.

Start up postgres:

<<<<<<< HEAD

#### Loading Production Data
- From command line in /db directory, run `node load.js`

$ sudo service postgresql start

Now we need to set up two users: postgres and ubuntu.

Log in to postgres as the user 'postgres'. Note: there is no password set by default.

$ sudo sudo -u postgres psql

At the postgres prompt (postgres=#), update the user password as 'password' (from the /config/config.js file) by entering the following command:

postgres=# \password

You'll be prompted to enter a new password twice. Note: Linux does not show asterisk (*) charcaters when entering passwords.

Quit using \q, then create an ubuntu user using the permissions from the postgres user:

postgres=# \q
$ sudo sudo -u postgres createuser ubuntu

Now you're ready to install the application!

Installing the Application

Install the npm packages required by the application using the following command:

$ npm install

Create the database tables

Note: until the codebase is fixed, you will need to follow these instructions to fix the table creation.

Open the file \migrations\20161211165146-create-project.js through the file navigator. In the editor window, scroll down until you find the entries for Flagged and Dup_ID:

Flagged: {
  type: Sequelize.BOOLEAN
Dup_ID: {
  type: Sequelize.INTEGER

These are column definitions and follow a specific format. The column name is immediately followed by a colon, a space, and curly-brackets. Column definitions are separated by commas, which are placed immediately after the closing curly-bracket. Inside the curly-brackets is information defining the data type of the column - e.g. boolean, integer, date, number, string. This takes the form of the word 'type', immediately followed by a colon, a space, and then the Sequelize data type.

Add the following column definitions between the definitions for Flagged and Dup_ID, taking care to follow the same syntax conventions and tab-spacing:

TotalUnmetFunding: {
  type: Sequelize.INTEGER
ProjectStartDate: {
  allowNull: true,
  type: Sequelize.DATE
ProjectProjectedCompletionDate: {
  allowNull: true,
  type: Sequelize.DATE

Save and close the file. Now you can run the sequelize migrations:

$ sequelize db:migrate

Environment variable setup

Update the package.json file to set the NODE_ENV environment variable when the application starts. Open the file from the file navigator (it's in the root directory). find the start script inside the scripts section and replace the string with the following:

"scripts": {
    "start": __"NODE_ENV=development node ./bin/www"__

Edit the .bashrc file to set the NODE_ENV environment variable for your Cloud9 workspace:

$ vi ~/.bashrc

Hit i to enter INSERT mode. Use the arrow keys to navigate to the bottom of the file and add the following line:

export NODE_ENV=development

Hit Esc to exit INSERT mode and type :x to save and quit. Close the current terminal and open a new one.
Now NODE_ENV will be set as development automatically.

Load Fixtures Data for development

Start the postgres service so the database is running and we can load data into it:

$ sudo service postgresql start

Run the load.js file to load Fixtures Data for development purposes:

$ node db/load.js

Run the Application

If you haven't already, start up the postgres service so your database is running when your application starts. Otherwise your application won't be able to connect to the database. You'll need to do this every time you re-open your Cloud9 workspace:

$ sudo service postgresql start

Start the application:

$ npm start

The console will output the following:

> map@0.0.0 start /home/ubuntu/workspace
> NODE_ENV=development node ./bin/www

express-session deprecated undefined resave option; provide resave option app.js:16:9
express-session deprecated undefined saveUninitialized option; provide saveUninitialized option app.js:16:9

Congratulations, you've succesfully got the site up and running! To view it in Cloud9, click the Preview button at the top of the page and select Preview Running Application. In the preview screen, you can then click the Pop Out Into New Window icon to open the app in a new browser tab.

To stop the running application, hit Ctrl-C in the console.

Using the Application

Once you've got the application running, navigate to [application-url]/users/signup to create an account. When you log in with your account, you'll be able to see all the data:


Loading Production Data

Note: the Loading Production Data and Deploying on AWS Elastic Beanstalk portions of this README are only applicable to those working on Production.

To load production data, you'll need the old ATD database zip file stored in a directory called data that will be ignored from git.

$ cd etl
$ ./

-- Either Way, You'll need to create a user a projecturl:/users/signup.



Deploying on AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Currently, the application is deploying on elastic beanstalk. To deploy, you'll need to configure your local repo by running eb init.

To deploy the codebase, simply run eb deploy .


Jacqui Swartz (LADOT,