Some of the data are still making their way into public repositories. In the meantime, the assemblies are available here.
Species | ToLID | Biosample | Primary assembly | Alternate haplotype | Mitochondrion | Assembly method |
Kudoa neothunni | jmKudNeot1 | SAMEA115884706 | in progress | in progress | in progress | hifiasm-meta |
Kudoa sp. trachurus | jmKudSpea1 | SAMEA116001081 | PRJEB80899 | PRJEB80900 | PRJEB81409 | read_VAE*, wtdbg2 |
*See: Weber CC (2024) Disentangling cobionts and contamination in long-read genomic data using sequence composition
Annotations were produced with BRAKER3 using protein hints from free-living Cnidarians and K. iwatai.