Virtual environments allow one to easily manage Python packages.
To create virtual environments use the following command:
pip install virtualenv
Then while in the flask-auth working directory use the following command:
virtualenv [Environment Name]
The environment name can be whatever you want it to be.
Activating/Deactivating your virtual environment varies depending on OS.
Windows Activation/Deactivation:
[Environment Name]\Scripts\activate
[Environment Name]\Scripts\deactivate
Linux Activation/Deactivation:
source [Environment Name]/bin/activate
source [Environment Name]/bin/deactivate
With the virtual environment activated run the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
After that all you need to do is use the following command:
flask run
This spins up your application on localhost:5000 by default.
I want to thank Miguel Grinberg for his amazing Flask tutorial. It's much more in depth and can be found here: Miguel's Flask Tutorial