Requesting Government to create a regulatory body that solely works for maintenance of food quality in learning institutes of India.
The Quality of food must be assured irrespective of whether the intitution is IIT,NIT,Govt. Funded university, Private college.
The Regulatory body must do licensing and delicensing of the company having tenders to cook food in the country.
Regular assessments of foods by authorities to ensure the quality is maintained.
- Build a form where user can submit their complaints
- Display those complaints on a page where user can approve or disapprove it with their signature.
- Yet to add
- Yet to Add
Like any open source project the Goal of this project will remain a goal until you contribute to it :)
- Python
- Django
- Postgresql
* fork and clone
* virtualenv -p python3 vgood-food-project
* source vgood-food-project/bin/activate
* cd good-food-project/goodfood
* pip install -r requirements.txt
* create a file settings.ini in `good-food-project/goodfood/goodfood` and put the following:
* python manage.py migrate
* python manage.py runserver
* Go to and submit your complaints!
If you're having problem while setup see 1 and 2.
Similar code style throughout the whole project can be helpful for future contributors to understand the code and the reviewers on the pull requests. That's why are using coala to lint the code before pushing any changes.
After you have made all the changes and you're ready to push, just run coala on the project:
* Make sure you're in the dir `good-food-project/goodfood`
* Run coala: $coala
That's it, that is what you've to do to lint your code, it would automatically apply the required changes, but in some cases, you've to do it manually, and if you don't want to make that change just enter 0
and coala would do nothing.
If you're still having any problem on using coala, please contact us Gitter, or follow the coala Guidelines
- 5 places in India where the food is even worse than Indian Railways
- Indian mess are mess
- Happens in every College Mess
- Some Realtime Survey stats on Mess food
- Abhishek Chauhan - Initial work - CodeVINCI
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Yet to Add