allprojects {
repositories {
// 加入仓库
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
implementation 'com.github.CodingGay.BlackReflection:core:1.0.9'
annotationProcessor 'com.github.CodingGay.BlackReflection:compiler:1.0.9'
1. 如果你需要反射 top.niunaijun.app.bean.TestReflection 中的各种方法,参考:MainActivity.java
public class TestReflection {
public static final String TAG = "TestConstructor";
public String mContextValue = "context value";
public static String sStaticValue = "static value";
public TestReflection(String a) {
Log.d(TAG, "Constructor called :" + a);
public TestReflection(String a, String b) {
Log.d(TAG, "Constructor called : a = " + a + ", b = " + b);
public String testContextInvoke(String a, int b) {
Log.d(TAG, "Context invoke: a = " + a + ", b = " + b);
return a + b;
public static String testStaticInvoke(String a, int b) {
Log.d(TAG, "Static invoke: a = " + a + ", b = " + b);
return a + b;
public static String testParamClassName(String a, int b) {
Log.d(TAG, "testParamClassName: a = " + a + ", b = " + b);
return a + b;
public interface TestReflection {
top.niunaijun.app.bean.TestReflection _new(String a, String b);
top.niunaijun.app.bean.TestReflection _new(String a);
String testContextInvoke(String a, int b);
String testStaticInvoke(String a, int b);
String testParamClassName(@BParamClassName("java.lang.String") Object a, int b);
String mContextValue();
String sStaticValue();
TestReflection testReflection = BRTestReflection.get()._new("a");
TestReflection testReflection = BRTestReflection.get()._new("a", "b");
// 静态方法
BRTestReflection.get().testStaticInvoke("static", 0);
// 上下文方法
BRTestReflection.get(testReflection).testContextInvoke("context", 0);
// 静态变量
String staticValue = BRTestReflection.get().sStaticValue();
// 上下文变量
String contextValue = BRTestReflection.get(testReflection).mContextValue();
// 静态变量
BRTestReflection.get()._set_sStaticValue(staticValue + " changed");
// 上下文变量
BRTestReflection.get(testReflection)._set_mContextValue(contextValue + " changed");
BRTestReflection是程序自动生成的类,生成规则是BR + ClassName
- BRTestReflection.get() 用于调用静态方法
- BRTestReflection.get(caller) 用于调用非静态方法
注解 | 注解方式 | 解释 |
@BClass | Type(Class) | 指定需要反射的类 |
@BClassName | Type(Class) | 指定需要反射的类 |
@BConstructor | Method | 注明是构造方法 |
@BStaticMethod | Method | 注明是静态方法 |
@BMethod | Method | 注明是非静态方法 |
@BStaticField | Method | 注明是静态变量 |
@BField | Method | 注明是非静态变量 |
@BParamClass | Parameter | 注明该参数的Class,用于反射时寻找方法 |
@BParamClassName | Parameter | 注明该参数的Class,用于反射时寻找方法 |
-keep class top.niunaijun.blackreflection.** {*; }
-keep @top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BClass class * {*;}
-keep @top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BClassName class * {*;}
-keep @top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BClassNameNotProcess class * {*;}
-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BField.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BFieldNotProcess.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BFieldSetNotProcess.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BFieldCheckNotProcess.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BMethod.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BStaticField.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BStaticMethod.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BMethodCheckNotProcess.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BConstructor.* <methods>;
@top.niunaijun.blackreflection.annotation.BConstructorNotProcess.* <methods>;
Copyright 2022 Milk Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.