Releases: ConceptJunkie/rpn
rpnChilada 8.5.6
Fixes for Python 3.10, including reverting to the built-in readline library.
rpnChilada 8.5.4
I'm removing a unit test that fails on Android and Linux until I can figure out why.
And yes, I should have done beta releases. But I didn't.
rpnChilada 8.5.3
Trying to get requirements.txt right. It seems the numpy version I was using was too new.
rpnChilada 8.5.2
I had the wrong library name. It's "python-dateutil", not "dateutil".
rpnChilada 8.5.1
Forgot to add Python 3.9 to the list of supported versions.
rpnChilada 8.5.0
rpn 8.5.0 is released: Big Clean-Up and Documentation Release!
Much more thorough argument validation has been implemented on all operators.
In addition, all non-constant operator function names now end with 'Operator',
which means I can be sure they are not being called recursively, or being called
by other operator functions, so that the argument expansion and validation isn't
being done more than once.
I have continued my focus on completing the online help, which is now more than
95% complete. This also resulted in a number of operators being eliminated (see
below), and a bevy of bug fixes. Almost every operator now has a help example.
The help for units is now complete. Every unit has help text.
About 70 new operators have been added.
rpnChilada 8.4.0
Revamped the prime number operators, and filled in a couple of missing ones.
A number of operator names have changed for more consistency. The old names have been added as aliases.
Added the 'bitwise_xnor', 'from_french_republican', 'to_french_republican', 'to_french_republcan_name' operators.
A fix was made to support using rpn on OS X.
A number of bugs were fixed, and I did extensive touch-ups based on pylint.
rpnChilada 8.3.1
The reason for this release is to allow the wheel to work correctly on Macintosh. There is a fix that allows the Mac to correctly locate the data files.
rpnChilada 8.3.0
Added the 'solve_frobenius' operator and renamed 'denomination_combinations' to
Added the 'sequence' and 'tau' operators.
The astronomy operators now don't care which order the arguments are in, except
for 'angular_separation', which expects the first two arguments to be
astronomical bodies.
The aliquot operators now detect if an amicable number chain has been found and
Help has been filled in for all constants and most of the units.
Added 'does_list_repeat', 'sequence' and 'tau' operator.
Added the 'esterling' unit.
'hyperop' now has several hard-coded results for trivial cases.
Fixed bugs in 'triplet_prime' and 'horizon_distance'.
And the usual minor bug fixes.
rpnChilada 8.2.0
Added the 'is_pernicious' operator.
Added the 'pythagorean_triples' and 'get_partitions_with_limit' operators.
Added the '_dump_prime_cache' operator.
Added 'filter_max' and 'filter_min' which are shortcuts for much wordier lambda
Added 'polygonal_pyramidal' and 'polygorial' operators.
The unit test suite has been streamlined so that it runs faster, since it's
used so much. Added the -t argument to time individual tests. Added the -f
argument to allow filtering which tests will be run (based on a text filter).
A number of bug fixes and improvements have been made to the prime number
functions and data.
And the usual bug fixes.