Welcome to the official firmware repository for the SJSU Cube3 Satellite Club called SAT-CORE. Repo is dedicated to the firmware for CubeSats, designed to teach students about software, automation, embedded systems, and controls.
- Embedded Systems: Firmware for microcontrollers and onboard sensors.
- Automation & Control: Automated operations and control algorithms.
- Satellite Communications: Handling of telemetry and data transmission between the CubeSat and ground station.
- Subsystem Integration: Power management, sensor data handling, attitude control, and other satellite operations.
Follow these instructions to get started with building and testing the firmware for the CubeSat.
- Docker
- Git
- ARM Toolchain (provided by Lib-hal in our case)
🤝 Contributing We welcome contributions from all members of SJSU's engineering disciplines and beyond! Whether you're a student interested in embedded systems, automation, harware, electrical, or satellite technology, there's always room to get involved.
How to Contribute: Fork this repository. Create a new branch (git checkout -b feature/new-feature). Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add new feature'). Push to the branch (git push origin feature/new-feature). Open a pull request.