Allow you to load composer.json file just as composer would do it.
This allow you to load composer.json file without composer (so theorically PHP 5.2 is enough)
- PSR-4 : YES
- PSR-0 : YES
- Classmap : NO
- Files : YES
You have a composer.json file looking like this :
"name": "wilkins/composer-file-loader",
"type": "function",
"description": "Load composer file",
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"": "src2/",
"RoutePlanner\\": "src/",
"CompanyName\\PackageName\\": [
// You load the PackageLoader
include __DIR__.'/PackageLoader.php';
// You load your packages
$loader = new PackageLoader\PackageLoader();
// You call the package classes
new CompanyName\PackageName\Machin();
new CompanyName\PackageName\Bidule();
new RoutePlanner\Truc();
new TestNoNamespace();
Just go into the root directory and run :
php test.php
If no error appears, you're good!
Created by Thibault Taillandier from this stackoverflow question.
Please fork it to add more support