Freelance .NET Developer | Founder @ | OSS Contributor | Geek | Tech Addict
You could say my life revolves around technology. Even before I was a teenager I started coding and taking computers apart. This passion has provided me with the advantage of having very broad technological knowledge, allowing me to easier see the bigger picture. When I'm not working for a client or my own company,, I'm tinkering with something geeky for myself, always learning.
This drive to keep on learning is what made me a polyglot, not limited to a narrow skillset, but able to analyse and apply a broad toolset to any problem. Of course I have a favorite, being the .NET ecosystem, which I picked up around 2001 with the first beta release. Being around it for so long, I've seen its share of issues and quirks, as well as the solutions around it. I believe this is what differentiates a junior from a senior developer, experience from mistakes and problems.
Besides coding in a professional and personal environment, I also tinker with home automation, server racks and network cables, different operating systems, car tuning, various gadgets and many more things that spark my curiosity.
I'm able to deal with various technologies. The list below is incomplete, but gives you an idea of the fact I am always trying to stay up to date.
- C# / F# / .NET Core / ASP.NET Core / EF Core
- Eventsourcing / CQRS / DDD
- SQL Server / MySQL / PostgreSQL / Elastic search / Redis
- DevOps / Terraform / AWS / Docker
- Vue.js / React
- Various build (CI/CD) systems / source control systems
- Agile methodologies / eXtreme Programming
Some like to call this a full-stack developer as well.
For a longer list have a look at my resume site @ or contact me.
Feel free to send me an email, send me a tweet, connect with me or read more about me.