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Data Reporting Management notes

Mollie Bates edited this page Sep 14, 2016 · 8 revisions

CMD Role Notes

  • Real-time management is novel for us (Oh crap, three weeks ago we blew the budget)
  • Kate, Travis and Megan are CMDs for all three lines at once. They cover for each other.
  • All three need a view into all three lines all the time
  • Likely that we would pull 'Yearly' data before our annual board retreat so we an adapt our policies to make things work better for our patients to increase yield
  • We could make the 'director dashboard' available for everyone to see. Doesn't need to be private or locked down. Except for the case manager performance metrics ...

Original User stories

(These stories will be partially solved with a full 'all calls/cases' table that is sortable, filterable, and searchable)

  • As a Case Manager Director, I need to see all outstanding cases across all three lines so that I can know how busy the week is.
    • Outstanding may not be the key - lots of outstanding cases sit dormant
    • Number of unique patients called - may be more representative (other options: Incoming calls or Outgoing CM calls_
    • Number of new patients is also a nice number to know
  • As a Case Manager Director, I want data on call volume over time so that I can adjust staffing. (EX: By line: are there more incoming calls the first half or the second half of the week? Or is there a DAY when incoming call demand is highest? How do holidays impact volume?)
    • In real time, we would adjust staffing if a CM asks for help. Probably not a data-based decision
    • But over time, this data can help us make assignments -- by line -- going forward (Ex: assign two CMs on Sundays if that's the day we get most calls)

Reporting from existing data


  • Number of incoming patients vs. number of pledges made (Weekly-Monthly)
  • Yield - pledges sent vs. redeemed (Weekly-Monthly)


  • What percentage of pledges are "maxed out" based on gestation? (And even by case manager - which ones are just giving the max automatically. If the pledge numbers are more variable, it's a good indication that they're giving pledges based on need. This should be private to CMDs, not available for all CMs to see.) (Monthly?)


  • Dollars pledged per caller's home state (DC, MD, VA and non-DMV states. Have we split the budget right across the region?) (Quarterly)
  • Average time from first contact to pledge date (as a whole first, then maybe broken out VA/DC/MD/Other) (Quarterly)
  • Number of days worked per case manager (Could even be a 'live leader board'. Case Manager of the Year, Certificate for working more than four weeks on the line. Kate may also get in touch with folks who aren't signing up for shifts.) (Quarterly)
  • What is average clinic billing turn around? (60 days is the 'requirement'. Talk to accounting about this) (Quarterly)


  • Caller's home residence vs. call line used (Yearly)
  • Number of weeks along (further) and clinic used (Yearly)
  • At what point in pregnancy are they first calling? At what point are we paying out? How is amount of time differing in first tri pts vs. second? (as a whole and broken out VA/DC/MD/Other) (Yearly)
  • The time between first contact and date of (original) appt (if can be determined). Like are folks giving us 1 day's notice before their appts or are they calling several weeks in advance of their first appt? (Do we override the first appt entry? maybe we should keep that) (Yearly)
  • What is "yield" rate for 1st tri procedures vs. 2nd tri procedures? (In service of the question: is it easier for our PTs to follow through when cost is lower--and thus should we help them out MORE earlier--or does it take the direness of a later, time’s-running-out procedure for everyone to band together?) (Yearly)
  • Is yield for maxed out pledges better or worse than yield for moderate pledges? Yield = pledges redeemed. (Ex: first trimester patients who are only getting soft pledges for $50 may not be 'cashing in' because of the hassle?) (Yearly)
  • For patients that we intercept at earlier than 7 weeks: when do they call back? (And are we entering pre-7 weekers into the system?) (Yearly)
  • Soft pledge vs. hard pledge vs. what is actually redeemed (Yearly)

New data needs

  • How often do we refer people to clinics and what clinics we refer them to. (need data to say: I'm referring 30% of my clients to you, you should give me a discount)
  • Needed for MD call line for NARAL Maryland partnership: Need county for MD residents (city to county conversion?)
  • Needed for MD call line for NARAL Maryland partnership: OK to follow up with you? (A call to assess the level of service)

Other questions / feature requests

  • How many calls are 'worth it'? How many times should we call patients back? Is there a way for us to highlight the ones we're having trouble getting a hold with UX? (X number of calls with no contact)
  • Change log on appointment date changes and soft pledge amount changes
  • Have the system do the pledge math and/or show a budget bar for each individual patient
  • Do callers stay on your call list too long?

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