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Data Reporting Management notes

Mollie Bates edited this page Sep 13, 2016 · 8 revisions

Original User stories

(These stories will be solved with a full 'all calls/cases' table that is sortable, filterable, and searchable)

  • As a Case Manager Director, I need to see all outstanding cases across all three lines so that I can know how busy the week is.
  • As a Case Manager Director, I want data on call volume so that I can adjust staffing. (EX: By line: are there more calls the first half or the second half of the week? Or is there a DAY when demand is highest? How do holidays impact volume?)

New data needs

  • How often do we refer people to clinics and what clinics we refer them to. (need data to say: I'm referring 30% of my clients to you, you should give me a discount)
  • Needed for MD call line for NARAL Maryland partnership: Need county for MD residents (city to county conversion?)
  • Needed for MD call line for NARAL Maryland partnership: OK to follow up with you? (A call to assess the level of service)

Pull from existing data

  • Caller's home residence vs. call line used
  • Dollars pledged per caller's home state (DC, MD, VA and non-DMV states)
  • Number of weeks along (further) and clinic used
  • Average time from first contact to pledge date (as a whole first, then maybe broken out VA/DC/MD/Other)
  • At what point in pregnancy are they first calling? At what point are we paying out? How is amount of time differing in first tri pts vs. second? (as a whole and broken out VA/DC/MD/Other)
  • The time between first contact and date of (original) appt (if can be determined). Like are folks giving us 1 day's notice before their appts or are they calling several weeks in advance of their first appt? (Do we override the first appt entry? maybe we should keep that)
  • What percentage of pledges are "maxed out" based on gestation? (And even by case manager - which ones are just giving the max automatically)
  • Yield - pledges sent vs. redeemed
  • What is "yield" rate for 1st tri procedures vs. 2nd tri procedures? (In service of the question: is it easier for our PTs to follow through when cost is lower--and thus should we help them out MORE earlier--or does it take the direness of a later, time’s-running-out procedure for everyone to band together?)
  • Is yield for maxed out pledges better or worse than yield for moderate pledges? Yield = pledges redeemed. (Ex: first trimester patients who are only getting soft pledges for $50 may not be 'cashing in' because of the hassle?)
  • What is average clinic billing turn around? (Talk to accounting about this)
  • For patients that we intercept at earlier than 7 weeks: when do they call back? (And are we entering pre-7 weekers into the system?)