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Sprint & Release Planning

Lisa edited this page Apr 17, 2017 · 22 revisions

Upcoming Sprint Themes

Release 3 Possible Features (not prioritized yet)

  • Usability testing / user feedback on new features - accounting and reporting
  • Accounting V2 - sortable, batch editable table
  • Enhanced security - scrambling PII for completed cases. See Anonymization notes
  • Share our work with other funds, see Future Dreams
  • User guide/pricelist/resources within the app - w/CMS? or Jekyll?
  • Year end reporting (FY ends June 30), see Reporting Notes
  • Pledge Autofill (pdf to fax to clinic)
  • Comprehensive activity log/all calls view

Release 2 Prioritized Backlog

Release 2 target launch date: December 1, 2016


  • As a CM, I need to know my weekly budget and how much remains for pledges (soft and hard) in a given period. (budget bar, #692 under development)
  • As a CM, I need help determining how much money I should pledge to a patient based on how many weeks the pregnancy has gestated so that I can properly manage my weekly budget. (Update 10/20: deprioritized by Lisa and Megan, bc the CMs get this thru training. Can be added to some future info repository thing)
  • As a Case Manager Director or board member, I want to know how much money is left in the weekly budget across all three lines so that I can adjust the weekly budget as needed. (would be accomplished by #634, once budget bars are built in #692) Audit and Accounting
  • As a DCAF accountant, I need to mark cases as unfulfilled so that ... need to work with Colin on this one. (is this just a reporting function? see all sent pledges not fulfilled)
  • As a DCAF accountant, I need to know our outstanding liabilities at any given point so that I can manage DCAF's budget appropriately.


  • As a Case Manager Director, I need to see all outstanding cases across all three lines so that I can know how busy the week is. (#634)
  • As a Case Manager Director, I want data on call volume so that I can adjust staffing. (#634 and notes)

Completed Sprint Themes

Sprint 7, 6/9-6/23

  • Ruby security
  • Encryption
  • Integrate app into DCAF's site architecture

Sprint 8, 6/24-7/7

  • QA
  • SSL
  • Final security and production checks

Sprint 9, 7/8-7/21

  • Usability testing!!
  • Hot fixes during testing, UX improvements after

Sprint 10, 7/22-8/4

  • UX and dev improvements informed by usability testing
  • Possible second round of usability testing

Sprint 11, 8/4-8/15

Completed as of 4-17-17

  • Abortion funding math (#632)
  • As a CM, I need to know when there are missing required fields before I submit a pledge (or close out a case?) so that I can be sure that DCAF has all necessary data. (Issue #203, in development)
  • As a CM, I need to know if I am working with a referral org for this client including how much that organization is providing so that I can pledge an appropriate amount. (#632, in progress)
  • As a CM, I need to be able to choose the call line I'm working on tonight so that I input patient's data into the correct line. (Issue #589, in development)
  • As a case manager, I need to be able to mark a case as patient dropoff so that I can eliminate them from my call list < Done. "Resolved without assistance from DCAF" checkbox on Abortion Information page.
  • As a case manager, I want to be able to smoothly transition on and off my shift with all the information I need, so that I can work quickly and not let any patients fall through the cracks. (Issue #454) (Update on 10/20 - deprioritized by Lisa and Meghan)
  • As a non-Case Manager, I need to be able to do different things in the CM App so that I can do my job. (Need roles beyond case manager: Case Manager Director, Board Member, Accountant, Admin) @colin - have we built this?
  • As the DCAF accountant, I need to mark cases as paid so that I can reconcile fulfilled pledges from clinics with IOUs written by case managers. (#643, #731)