This repository demonstrates a new Variable Flux Analysis (FVA) algorithm based on the properties of linear programming (LP) solutions. This simple insight allows for subproblems found in FVA analysis to be entirely removed. The idea of this refinement is based on the number of active constraints that must be 'active' at any solution of an LP. This reduction in the number of LPs reduces the total amount of computational effort required for FVA.
The results and case studies are summarized in the following preprint, An Improved Algorithm for Flux Variability Analysis.
It is a well-known property of LPs that when solved with a vertex-based algorithm (such as the simplex algorithm), if there are
This means for FVA analysis, many times when we are trying to determine the bounds of a certain flux
Firstly, the optimal fluxes are solved to find the best maximizer for the biological imperative
We then add the constraint
Since a lot of time and effort has gone into FasterFVA's development, it would be greatly appreciated if you cite the following publication if you use this in your work.
title={An Improved Algorithm for Flux Variability Analysis},
author={Kenefake, Dustin and Armingol, Erick and Lewis, Nathan E and Pistikopoulos, Efstratios N},