FPGA based hardware accelerator for IOTA Curl and POW operations written in Verilog/System Verilog
This project created for Innovate FPGA Contest: Design video, Design paper
Performance & Resources:
- Parameterized design. Parameter CL_NUM specifies the number of POW clusters. Parameter CU_NUM defines the number of POW computing units per cluster
- Hardware resources: 1 200 ALMs, 2 400 flip-flops per POW computing unit
- Hashrate: 1 204 819 hash/sec per POW comput. unit at 100 MHz
- Fmax: 130-140 MHz for Cyclone V depending on number of POW comput. units
Proof-of-Concept launched on DE10-nano board (Cyclone V 5CSEBA6U23I7 FPGA device) which costs 110-130$
PoC parameters:
- 28 POW computing units (CL_NUM = 7, CU_NUM = 4)
- Operation frequency: 100 MHz
- Hashrate: 33 734 940 hash/sec
- Resources: 33 239 ALMs, 68 019 flip-flops (79% of 5CSEBA6U23I7 FPGA)
- POW acceleration: x2000 (for MWM=15 software POW on DE10-nano: 10-50 min, hardware accel. POW: 0.01-1.5 sec, 0.4 sec in average)
Download Linux sd-card image for IOTA hardware accelerator on DE10-nano board and latest rbf file
Build instructions mentioned RBF file for Arrow SoCKit board. For the sake of consistency, we host FPGA related repository under DLTcollab umbrella.
- Install Intel Quartus Prime Lite Edition 17.1 and run synthesizing
- Transform SOF file to RBF file
~/intelFPGA_lite/17.1/quartus/bin/quartus_cpf -c curl_fpga.sof soc_system.rbf
- Download Linux sd-card image for Cyclone V
- The RBF file for Arrow SocKit board
- Creating an SD Card using a Linux Host
$ sudo dd if=DE10_iota_fpga_Linux.img of=/dev/sdb bs=2048
$ sudo sync
- Overwrite the RBF file in the SD card
$ sudo mkdir sdcard
$ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 sdcard/
$ sudo cp soc_system.rbf sdcard/
$ sudo umount sdcard
- Connect to remote shell (account/password: root/123456)
$ ssh root@
If you like this work, please donate some MIOTA to support it further development:
Thank you for interest to project!