A cross-platform library for saving big amounts of data.
To use this plugin, add file_local_storage
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
import "package:file_local_storage/file_local_storage.dart";
import "package:path_provider/path_provider.dart";
void main() {
final storage = FileLocalStorage(
dirPath: getApplicationDocumentsDirectory().then((d) => "${d.path}/MyAppName/"),
indexedDBName: "MyAppName",
final str = "Hello world!";
// saves `ByteBuffer` into file in application documents directory on IO platforms and into IndexedDB on the web
storage.save("file.txt", Uint16List.fromList(str.codeUnits).buffer);
// loads `ByteBuffer` from previously saved location
final loaded = String.fromCharCodes((await storage.load("file.txt")).asUint16List());
// deletes entry from previously saved location
// all methods can throw `FileStorageException`
// the `message` field will describe the failure