Evolution of another one of my project done in C++ & OpenGL using ImGUI and nothing more.
You should be able to clone the repo and launch the project using the provided .sln since every dependency is also inside the repo.
Is uses another one of my project that provides a profiling lib.
- Display of: PID (process id), Core (main thread core id), FPS
- RAM: usage, free, total
- GPU: usage, free, total
- CPU: usage on main core, usage avg on all cores, usage per core
(*) This data is provided using the Win APIs.
- Rule input (manual & from database)
- Pause / Resume / Restart / Single Step / 5 Steps
- Toggle Parallel Execution
- Tick speed selection (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 tick per sec)
- Tick time track (min, max & avg)
- World size (16x16x16, 32x32x32, 64x64x64, 128x128x128) with cell count & Mb
- Seed generation & Generation chance
- ColorRule (none, decay, density & pos3d)
- Toggle Parallel Execution
- Change LightDirection
- Change LightColor
- Change Ambient contribution
- Change Diffuse contribution
- Change Specular contribution
- Display: current cell count, max cell count, buffer size
- Preview of the Shadow Texture
- Real-Time Logging preview (every event / action is logged)
- Command interaction: hwinfo & deps
- LogLevel (Err, Warn, Inf, Deb)
- Soft-Wrap
- Colored Output :)
- Frame Profile Plotting
- Statistics with Min, Max, Avg & Tot
- Stack trace
- Move, Zoom In & Out, Select time slice and personalize Time Frame