An attempt at making a trigger-based alternative to the Elder Scrolls Online add-on Dustman. ItemTrig is available for download from ESOUI or NexusMods.
The sort of stuff I'd like to enable are things like:
Deconstruct intricate
Entry points: Crafting Menu Opened
The item [is] an [any equippable].
The item [is] intricate.
The current crafting station [is appropriate for] this item.
The player [has not] maxed out their [crafting skill for this item] skill.
Deconstruct the item.
Deconstruct worthless equipment
Entry points: Crafting Menu Opened
The item [is] an [any equippable].
The item's rarity is [at most Normal].
The item's sell value is [at most 0].
The current crafting station [is appropriate for] this item.
Deconstruct the item.
Sell trash
Entry points: Merchant Menu Opened
The item's rarity is [at most Worn].
The item [is] a [Trash].
Sell [9999] of the item.