A Python package for creating full backups of IMAP mailboxes
python3 -m pip install --user imapbackup3
usage: imapbackup3 [-h] [-y] [-f FOLDERS] [-e] [-k KEY] [-c CERT] -s HOST
Back up E-mail messages from an IMAP server. mbox files are created in the
current working directory.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-y, --yes-overwrite-mboxes
Overwite existing mbox files instead of appending
-f FOLDERS, --folders FOLDERS
Specifify which folders use. Comma separated list.
-e, --ssl Use SSL. Port defaults to 993.
-k KEY, --key KEY PEM private key file for SSL. Specify cert, too.
-c CERT, --cert CERT PEM certificate chain for SSL. Specify key, too.
Python's SSL module doesn't check the cert chain.
-s HOST, --server HOST
Address of server (without port)
-P PORT, --port PORT Server port (defaults to 143 without and 993 with SSL)
-u USER, --user USER Username to log into server
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Prompts for password if not specified. If the first
character is '@', treat the rest as a path to a file
containing the password. Leading '' makes it literal.
-m MAILBOX, --mailbox MAILBOX
Local e-mail storage format. Possible values: mbox
(default), Maildir
-t SECS, --timeout SECS
Sets socket timeout to SECS seconds.
--thunderbird Create Mozilla Thunderbird compatible mailbox
Minimal example (using SSL on port 993):
from imapbackup3 import IMAPBackup
with IMAPBackup(host='mail.example.com', user='myuser', password='mypassword') as imb:
Full example:
from imapbackup3 import IMAPBackup
with IMAPBackup(
folders=['INBOX', 'INBOX.Sent'],
) as imb:
A function msg_filter
can be passed to the download_all_messages
that takes an email.message.EmailMessage
instance as input and either
returns the same instance again (which will not change anything), returns
(which will filter out the message) or returns a modified instance
(which will store the modified message). (Stupid) example:
def my_filter(msg):
if 'SPAM' in msg['subject']:
return None
msg['subject'] += ' (no Spam)'
return msg
This package is based on a script by Rui Carmo. Original description:
This was first published around 2007 (probably earlier) on my personal site, and it was originally developed to work around the then rather limited (ok, inconsistent) Mac OS X Mail.app functionality and allow me to back up my old mailboxes in a fully standard
format (well, at least as much asmbox
can be considered a standard...).
Somewhat to my surprise it was considered useful by quite a few people throughout the years, and contributions started coming in. Given that there seems to be renewed interest in this as a systems administration tool, I'm posting the source code here and re-licensing it under the MIT license.
- ZERO dependencies.
- Copies every single message from every single folder (or a subset of folders) in your IMAP server to your disk.
- Does incremental copying (i.e., tries very hard to not copy messages twice).
- Tries to do everything as safely as possible (only performs read operations on IMAP).
- Is completely and utterly free (distributed under the MIT license).
- Python 3 compatible
- Supports mbox or Maildir formats
- Can be imported and used as library
- When used as a library, messages can be filtered or modified on the fly
This package requires Python 3.6.