A Sphinx directive for including the screenshot of an holoviz's panel widget in a Sphinx document.
This package is based on matplotlib's plot directive.
pip install sphinx_panel_screenshot
conda install -c davide_sd sphinx_panel_screenshot
Take a look at the Installation page to understand how to configure the extension to run on readthedocs.org server.
.. panel-screenshot::
floatslider = pn.widgets.FloatSlider(start=0, end=2, value=0.5,
name="Float Slider")
radiobutton_group = pn.widgets.RadioButtonGroup(
name='Radio Button Group', options=['Biology', 'Chemistry', 'Physics'],
radiobox_group = radio_group = pn.widgets.RadioBoxGroup(
name='RadioBoxGroup', options=['Biology', 'Chemistry', 'Physics'], inline=True)
select = pn.widgets.Select(name='Select',
options=['Biology', 'Chemistry', 'Physics'])
checkbutton_group = pn.widgets.CheckButtonGroup(name='Check Button Group',
value=['Apple', 'Pear'],
options=['Apple', 'Banana', 'Pear', 'Strawberry'])
checkbox = pn.widgets.Checkbox(name='Checkbox')
col = pn.Column(floatslider, radiobutton_group, radiobox_group, select, checkbutton_group, checkbox)
Take a look at the Examples page to visualize the available customization options.