DevOps Project of Django App Deployment on EC2 using Docker and Jenkins.
- AWS Free Tier Account
- EC2 Instance : t2 micro
- Django Todo App
- Docker Image
- Jenkins
Before deploying the app on EC2 Instance , we will test run the app locally.
Create a folder for the project, open the folder in VS code and clone the app in the terminal
Clone the repository.
git clone
Creating Virtual Environment
virtualenv -p python3.11 env
Activate the vritual environment In windows VS Code
Change directory to the app directory
cd django-todo
create all the migrations to run this App.
python makemigrations
Apply this migrated command to run the following command
python migrate
Now we need to create the superuser
python createsuperuser
We just need to start the local Server
python runserver
Now we can access the webapp on
We will requirement.txt file to freeze the dependencies requried to run the application
pip freeze > requirement.txt
- Create the ec2 instance with following details
- Name : Django-Application
- AMI : Ubuntu 18 LTS
- Key Pair : Lap_Connect
- SG : Allowing SSH at Port 22
Make connection with EC2 Instance using git bash CLI with the help of key pair
Now we are on EC2 instance. so create a new directory named Projects
mkdir projects
Now change directory to the newly created directory using cd command
cd projects
clone the django todo app repo in the project directory
git clone
Change directory and move to the django-todo directory
cd django-todo/
Add your instance's public IP to allowed host in file
vi todoApp/
find allowed host and enter your public IP or just enter '*' so that all Ip are allowed
Now go back to terminal and Install docker on the EC2 instance
vi Dockerfile enter insert mode by pressing "i" and write the file as per the following
FROM python:
RUN pip install django==3.2
COPY . .
RUN python migrate
CMD ["python","","runserver",""]
press esc and use :wq and enter to save the file and exit vim.
Now build the docker file we created
sudo docker build . -t todo-app
Now you will get a container ID. Copy that container ID and run the container with the following command.
sudo docker run -p 8001:8001 62761281ad8f
Now go to your browser and copy your public IP and use it to check if the app is running as shown in screenshot enter your public IP:8001. example :
Update your system in EC2 Terminal
sudo apt update
Install java
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre
Install jenkins : Just copy these commands, paste them and run them one by one onto your terminal
curl -fsSL | sudo tee \ /usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc > /dev/null
echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/jenkins-keyring.asc] \ binary/ | sudo tee \ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list > /dev/null
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jenkins
Start Jenkins with these commands
sudo systemctl enable jenkins
sudo systemctl start jenkins
sudo systemctl status jenkins
Add port 8080 to your inbound rules in secuirity groups to allow traffic on it like we did for port 8001.
Now open Jenkins in browser by using public IP and port number
Get the password from given location and paste it here
sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
Click install suggested plugin and go ahead ith the installation
create and setup your admin user and your are done. You must be on the Jenkins homepage now
Open your terminal and add jenkins to sudoers s shon in the screen shot so that when we build our job in jenkins it can have sudo access sudo visudo use above command to open the file and then add jenkins like this
create a new GitHub repository with name you want.
copy the repository url, now go back to instance terminal and change the remote repository to your new repository
git remote set-url origin
Add ll files to staged
git add .
commit all the files
git commit -m "added server code "
push the code to repository
git push origin develop
Open your instance's jenkins and go to manage jenkins > configure sytsem > find github servers here and add your github credentials
save it.
Create a new job as a freestyle project named todo-app
Then in source code management choose git. And paste your repositpory url there.
And in branches to build, write develop as we have pushed our code to the develop branch.
Now in build step. Add build step as eecute shell and write the following commands. sudo docker build . -t todo-app sudo docker run -p 8001:8001 -d todo-app
save it and click on build now to run the job.
Great your web app is running and Our Project is Completed with that.