A simple .NET Standard library for sending WakeOnLan packets (Magic packet) over ethernet
To wake up computers using this library they need to have WakeOnLan enabled and must be in the same local network
Install the NuGet package of this library using
Install-Package Derungsoft.WolSharp
You can set up your own Wake On Lan Server running inside Docker on a Raspberry Pi!
Just install Docker on your Pi and then execute the following command:
sudo docker run --name WolSharp -d -it --restart unless-stopped --network=host derungsoft/wolsharp:0.1
This command will download and run the WOL Server which runs on port 80.
If you don't want the Server to automatically start on boot, you can remove "--restart unless-stopped"
Then wake up other computers by calling this URL:
Just replace the IP and MAC address and you're good to go.
using Derungsoft.WolSharp;
// ...
// Create awakener instance with default PhysicalAddressParser
var awakener = new Awakener();
// Send WoL to "AA-00-BB-11-CC-22"
using Derungsoft.WolSharp;
// ...
// Create awakener instance with default PhysicalAddressParser
var awakener = new Awakener();
// Send WoL to "AA-00-BB-11-CC-22"
await awakener.WakeAsync("AA-00-BB-11-CC-22");
public class MyPhysicalAddressParser : IPhysicalAddressParser
//Implement Parse methods
// Create custom PhysicalAddressParser
var physicalAddressParser = new MyPhysicalAddressParser();
// Pass custom parser to constructor
var awakener = new Awakener(physicalAddressParser);
await awakener.WakeAsync("AA-00-BB-11-CC-22");
- Register
- Register
or a custom implementation