MarkovJunior brought into Unity, with additional exporting funtionalities for Minecraft.
MarkovCraft is a Unity port of MarkovJunior. Unity's new ECS system enables MarkovCraft to render model generation process in realtime, with considerable performance. This app provides a more user-friendly graphical interface, making it easier to create, view, run and export MarkovJunior models.
The program is made and tested with Unity 2022.3.50f1, so it is recommended to use this version of Unity(or a newer version) to build this app.
English (en) and Simplified Chinese (zh-Hans) locales are currently available. Support for other languages might be added later.
This repository is open source under the CDDL-1.0 license, and this applies to all source code except those mentioning their author and license or with specific license attached. Below is a list of open source projects used in MarkovCraft:
- MarkovJunior
- CraftSharp-Resource
- Minecraft-Console-Client (Json Parser code)
Font projects used in the app: