A digital wallet management API, enabling control of financial transactions, balances, and other related functionalities.
- Creation of users and digital wallets.
- Record and query of financial transactions.
- Real-time balance check.
- Transfer between accounts with the possibility of reversal.
- Secure authentication and authorization using JWT and Argon2.
Make sure you have the following tools installed on your machine before starting:
- Docker (recommended latest version)
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/DevGabrielCoelho/WalletApi.git cd WalletApi
Configure the environment file:
Create the.env
file in the root of the project and add the following configurations (adjust as needed):DEFAULT_CONNECTION="Server=msql,1433;Database=WalletDb;User Id=sa;Password=YourStrong!Passw0rd;TrustServerCertificate=True;" LOGGING_LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT="Information" LOGGING_LOG_LEVEL_MICROSOFT_ASP_NET_CORE="Warning" ALLOWED_HOSTS="*" ISSUER="IssuerNameOrLink(recommended "http://localhost:5236")" AUDIENCE="AudienceNameOrLink(recommended "http://localhost:5236")" SIGNIN_KEY="YourStrongSigninKey(recommended 128 characters)" SALT_SIZE=IntSaltSize(recommended 16) KEY_SIZE=IntSaltSize(recommended 32) MEMORY_SIZE=IntMemorySize(recommended 15360) ITERATIONS=IntIterations(recommended 2) DEGREE_OF_PARALLELISM=IntDegreeOfParallelism(recommended 1) DELIMITER="CharDelimiter(recommended ";")" DOCKER_SA_PASSWORD="YourStrong!Passw0rd" DOCKER_MSSQL_PID="Developer" DOCKER_ASP_NET_CORE_PORT=5236:5236 DOCKER_MSQL_PORT=1433:1433 URLS=http://+:5236 SQLCMD_COMMAND=/opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -S "mssql,1433" -U "sa" -P "YourStrong!Passw0rd" -Q "SELECT 1"
Start Docker build:
docker-compose up -d --build
Access the API at:
http://localhost:5236 (or the port configured in .env)
Here are the available routes and their main functionalities:
GET /api/account/balance/?id=uuid_string
: Shows the balance of a user.POST /api/auth
: Performs login.POST /api/refunding/refound/?createdBy=uuid_string&transactionId=uuid_string
: Performs a refund.POST /api/transaction/transfer/?toAccountId=uuid_string&fromAccountId=uuid_string&value=decimal
: Performs a transfer.POST /api/users/register
: Creates a new user.PUT /api/users/edit-user/?id=uuid_string
: Edits an existing user.
- C#: Programming language.
- ASP.NET Core: Framework for building RESTful APIs.
- SQL Server: Relational database.
- JWT: For secure authentication.
- Argon2: For secure password hashing.
- Docker: For containerization and application deployment.
├── Controllers/ # Controllers for the API routes
├── Data/ # Database context
├── docker/ # docker/.sh file
├── Dtos/ # Data transfer objects
├── Enums/ # Enum definitions
├── Interfaces/ # Contracts for abstractions
├── Mappers/ # DTO to Model conversions and vice versa
├── Models/ # Data models
├── Properties/ # Project configurations
└── Repository/ # Implementations of interfaces using DbContext
For questions, suggestions, or collaborations, feel free to reach out:
- Gabriel Coelho
- GitHub: DevGabrielCoelho
- Email: gabriel.coelhosousasantos.pv@gmail.com