(* Copyright Dominique Larchey-Wendling [*] *)
(* Jean-François Monin [+] *)
(* *)
(* [*] Affiliation LORIA -- CNRS *)
(* [+] Affiliation VERIMAG - Univ. Grenoble *)
(* This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
- This repository is a Coq implementation and total correctness proof of L. Paulson If-Then-Else normalisation which is a nested recursive algorithm with a complicated scheme.
type Ω = α | ω of Ω * Ω * Ω
let rec nm e = match e with
| α => α
| ω (α,y,z) => ω (α,nm y,nm z)
| ω (ω(a,b,c),y,z) => nm (ω (a,nm (ω (b,y,z)),nm (ω (c,y,z)))
- The proof of partial correctness and termination is postponed after the domain and function have been defined together which their constructors, induction principle, proof-irrelevance and fixpoint equations, simulating the following Inductive-Recursive definition:
Inductive Ω : Set := α : Ω | ω : Ω -> Ω -> Ω -> Ω.
Inductive 𝔻 : Ω -> Prop :=
| d_nm_0 : 𝔻 α
| d_nm_1 : forall y z, 𝔻 y -> 𝔻 z -> 𝔻 (ω α y z)
| d_nm_2 : forall a b c y z (Db : 𝔻 (ω b y z)) (Dc : 𝔻 (ω c y z)),
𝔻 (ω a (nm (ω b y z) Db) (nm (ω c y z) Dc))
-> 𝔻 (ω (ω a b c) y z)
with Fixpoint nm e (De : 𝔻 e) : Ω := match De with
| d_nm_0 => α
| d_nm_1 y z Dy Dz => ω α (nm y Dy) (nm z Dz)
| d_nm_2 a b c y z Db Dc Da => nm (ω a (nm (ω b y z) Db) (nm (ω c y z) Dc)) Da
- The paper Simulating Induction-Recursion for Partial Algorithms describes the technique and is going to be presented at TYPES 2018.
, definition of𝔻 : Ω -> Prop
andnm : ∀e, 𝔻 e -> Ω
by simulated Induction-Recursion;nm_correct.v
, partial correction ofnm
: when it terminates,nm
produces a normal form of its input;nm_domain.v
, termination ofnm
, that is∀e, 𝔻 e
, a fully specified normalisation function based on L. Paulson'snm
- This should compile with Coq 8.6 with
make nm.vo
. - For Coq 8.7, do not forget
Require Import Extraction.
before extracting code.
- This project was created by Dominique Larchey-Wendling in collaboration with Jean François-Monin