- DataBank: An open-source, web-based platform for managing, versioning, and sharing tabular datasets
- OpenDataCapture: An electronic data capture platform designed for administering remote and in-person clinical instruments
- @douglasneuroinformatics/esbuild-plugin-native-modules: An esbuild plugin to enable loading native node modules
- @douglasneuroinformatics/esbuild-plugin-prisma: An esbuild plugin to bundle prisma binaries
- @douglasneuroinformatics/eslint-config: Shared linting configurations for DNP projects written in TypeScript/JavaScript
- @douglasneuroinformatics/libcrypto: Wrappers for the Web Crypto API
- @douglasneuroinformatics/libjs: A collection of utility functions and types for Node.js and the browser
- @douglasneuroinformatics/libnest: Generic NestJS decorators, pipes, modules, and utilities used across DNP projects
- @douglasneuroinformatics/libpasswd: A library for estimating the strength of passwords
- @douglasneuroinformatics/libstats: Basic statistics for Node.js, written in Rust
- @douglasneuroinformatics/libui-form-types: Type declarations for a declarative form system
- @douglasneuroinformatics/libui: Generic UI components for DNP projects, built using React and Tailwind CSS
- @douglasneuroinformatics/prettier-config: Prettier configuration for DNP projects
- @douglasneuroinformatics/semantic-release: Semantic release configuration and workflows for DNP projects
- @douglasneuroinformatics/tsconfig: Shared TypeScript configuration for DNP projects