pg_stat_monitor for EnterpriseDB
To Run pg_stat_monitor along with EnterpriseDB(a.k.a EPAS) in a Linux environment, I described here How to compile pg_stat_monitor from source code.
$ git clone git://
Or You can visit the link below and download it by manually.
After downloading it by Manu, Please extract the zip file in some directory where to compile it.
run as root.
$ mkdir pg_stat_monitor
$ cd pg_stat_monitor
-- Download here from the website (If you download other directories Please copy it here)
$ unzip
To get the path of EPAS, You can get it command below.
ps -ef |grep postmaster
Add to the .bash_profile of a root account the path environment variable that has been obtained from the above result.
(Because when compiled pg_stat_monitor , It need to pg_config files )
vi ~/.bash_profile
After saving .bash_profile You have to run it again like the command
$. ./.bash_profile
Move to the directory of extract zip files which has been downloaded from git.
Open Makefile in the directory and you can see the variable top_srcdir
$vi Makefile
Set the variable for top_srcdir and Its top source directory of EPAS. So You can give this value for the installation directory of EPAS
For example, in steps 2-1 , You were got /usr/edb/as15/bin. So Please give /usr/edb/as15 without bin directory.
See Sample below
$ cd pg_stat_monitor
$ make USE_PGXS=1
$ make USE_PGXS=1 install
If you compiled success You can see the figure below.
- If your system does not install 'make' You can see the figure below. (Do install make)
- If your system does not install gcc You are able to see the figure below (Do install gcc)
- If you see the below message Please do run the command as root like below. (Do install redhat-rpm-config)
yum install -y redhat-rpm-config -y
- if you see the below message while compiling Please do run the command as root like below
yum install -y clang
If pg_stat_monitor has been compiled successfully, You can see the pg_stat_monitor files for each directory
cd /usr/edb/as15/share/extension
ls -al pg_stat_monitor*
cd /usr/edb/as15/lib
ls -al
Connect to psql and modify the shared_preload_libraries parameter using the ALTER SYSTEM command.
ALTER SYSTEM SET shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_monitor';
Start or restart the EPAS instance to apply the changes
systemctl restart edb-as-15
Create the extension view with the user that has the privileges of a superuser or a database owner. Connect to psql as a superuser for a database and run the CREATE EXTENSION command:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_monitor;
After the setup is complete, you can see the stats collected by pg_stat_monitor.
By default, pg_stat_monitor is created for the EPAS database. To access the statistics from other databases, you need to create the extension view for every database.
Instead of supplying one set of ever-increasing counts, pg_stat_monitor computes stats for a configured number of time intervals; time buckets. This allows for much better data accuracy, especially in the case of high-resolution or unreliable networks.
SELECT bucket, bucket_start_time, query,calls FROM pg_stat_monitor ORDER BY bucket;
pg_stat_monitor provides additional metrics for detailed analysis of query performance from various perspectives, including client connection details like user name, application name, IP address to name a few relevant columns. With this information, pg_stat_monitor enables users to track a query to the originating application. More details about the application or query may be incorporated in the SQL query in a Google’s Sqlcommenter format.
SELECT userid, datname, queryid, substr(query,0, 50) AS query, calls FROM pg_stat_monitor;
For more information , please visit