- download the contents (or clone) and put inside $PROJECT/addons
- Create a class extending GQLClient
- Implement in a _ready function or in the same _init to configure it calling to set_endpoint(is_secure, host, port, path)
- Add this class as an autoload of your godot project.
This library uses his own objects to create the query. But provide also a raw argument to call with a string.
- create some graphql query:
var query =GQLQuery.new("someProp").set_args({"variable":"arg"}).set_props([
- Call to your singleton to the query method and add it to your node_tree:
var my_query_executer = ServerConfigInstance.query("NameOfTheQuery", {"SomeVariables":"HisType"}, query)
- Connect to graphql_response signal to retrieve the data
- Execute the run method with the variables as args
- Tested with a django-graphene server
- Do queries and mutations
- gql_query tested using gut
The sample of use in the usage will generate something like this:
As you can see there is no query information or mutation. The query or mutation is added when you call to client.query or client.mutation. The query generated in the point usage 4 is the following:
query NameOfTheQuery(SomeVariable: HisType){
Adding the variable of SomeVariable to 42