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Repository files navigation

Android Challenge for Passporter

Hello Android Team 👋, here is my code for the challenge. For build this app I used MVVM Architecture with repository pattern and obviously with Kotlin.

Libraries used

  • Coroutines for asynchronous
  • Hilt for dependency injection
  • Android JetPack
    • Flow
    • ViewModel
    • ViewBinding
    • Room
  • Architecture
    • MVVM Architecture (View - DataBinding - ViewModel - Model)
    • Repository pattern
  • Material-Components
  • Retrofit2 & OkHttp3


✅ Display a list of repositories
✅ Request only 10 repos at a time (pagination)
✅ Show a light green background if fork flag is false or missing
❌ Create a dialog and open it on item long click

Chosen Libraries

Hilt Due to this is an "easy app" in terms that we don't have business logic, I decided to use it instead of Dagger because is an easiest way to configure and implement the dependency injection, however Dagger still the best option for big and moduled apps

Coroutines in this project are used to provide a background thread while the data is retrieving

Flow instead of liveData for ui and model updates

Room for save locally the data retrieved


The app won't compile unless the developer offer the API_KEY for local testing. I added a functional debug.apk at the repository root, however if you want test the app locally, comment:

  • line 27 and 22 at Network object (client configuration)
  • line 21 at build.gradle (api_key)
  • check the remaningCalls curl -I

The code doesn't handle backend errors or user non-happy flows like try to get the backend data without internet connection, it may produce a crash


  • Inject repositories on ViewModel and propagate it to domain lay
  • Consider use Paging3 library of JetPack for handle more efficiently the pagination requests
  • Implement Resource response for handle errors


Android app challenge for Passporter App






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