Split up all of the individual logged in pages into their own routes as 300 lines is looking a little crowded now
Retain user input on invalid submission on login.ejs
Get current location with Javascript HTML Geolocation API
Force Some inputs to be formatted a specific way i.e. 123-456-7890 instead of 1234567890
Add red boxes around any invalid inputs along w/ the error messages
Create Messages Table in DB (doctorID && patientID foreign keys. ThreadID for message threads)
rename Quest Designer -> New Quest on all ejs templates
Would like to update all of the placeholders to match the labels
Adventure Quest logo should redirect to the records view
Rename menu option Home -> Dashboard
Patient Records page dynamically fills out fields changes upon a new option being selected
?? I was able to get the session to be stored in the DB, and not in memory any more. This leads to more questions??
??Should I delete session on logout? Doing so would remove the possibility of retaining any app preferences/settings??
??I noticed that when logging in and out that the same sessionID was stored in the DB regardless of which account I used, this would then make me assume that the sessions are assigned via IP/MAC addresses. Works perfectly fine from a front facing perspective can login and out things are protected displayed correctly however the sessionID remains the same just some of the cookie data changes. If anyone has a suggestion of how to get to the bottom of this short of deploying it and using multiple machines to create sessions I would be open to them. As for now its 100% fine for development just something I noticed and didn't understand. cheers -Harcourt??
Auth done
Logout works
Minor redesign on Login && Register pages
All pages in the 'index' route are now protected, will redirect to login w/ error msg if an attempt to access is made w/ out auth
Currently sending the entire user object of logged in user for dev while we figure out what fields we need for each page but need to trim for security && performance for deployment.
- In terminal of AdventureQuest Folder
npm install
- In terminal
npm run dev