- π Currently adding ROS+Gazebo tutorials here.
- π’ 3 years of work experience in Defense Industry as R&D Engineer.
- π MSc. within the scope of JEMARO (Japan-Europe Master's on Advanced Robotics, Erasmus+ Mundus Program)
- π M.Sc. in Advanced Robotics in Keio University, Japan, 2nd year of JEMARO
- π M.Sc. in Advanced Robotics in University of Genova(UniGe), Italy, 1st year of JEMARO
- π BSc. in Mechanical Engineering in METU, Turkiye
final_assignment The Research Track course's last assignment to use ROS nodes, Python, CMake etc. The explanations to be added later.
ML4Rob-Labs: The repository which contains Machine Learning for Robotics course labs of UniGe. Implemented algorithms are:
- Naive Bayes classifier,
- Linear regression,
- kNN classifier,
- Neural Networks.
ARP-HW2_IPC_benchmark and ARP-HW2_IPC_benchmark_ALL: The second assignment of Advanced Robot Programming course(Inter-process Communication based) of UniGe. The IPC methods are compared for their transfer speeds. Compared IPC methods are:
- unnamed pipes (in _ALL version),
- named pipes,
- sockets (in _ALL version),
- shared memory.
ARP-HW1_Tower_Crane: The first assignment of Advanced Robot Programming course(Inter-process Communication based) of UniGe. In a tower crane scenario, two motors are supposed to order motion on the crane. The project is done using pipes. For details, please visit the repo.