An outline window that's always by your side (except for when it's not).
It requires neovim (~nightly build) and nvim-treesitter
_____ _ __ __ __ _ __
/ ___/(_)___/ /__ / //_/(_)____/ /__
\__ \/ / __ / _ \/ ,< / / ___/ //_/
___/ / / /_/ / __/ /| |/ / /__/ ,<
/____/_/\__,_/\___/_/ |_/_/\___/_/|_|
Values below reflect sensible defaults. If you do not have a font patched with nerd fonts, you should change the unicode/icons below.
" To actually use sidekick! (toggles it on/off for current tab).
nmap <F8> :call SideKickNoReload()<CR>
let g:sidekick_update_on_buf_write = 1
" List of which definition types to display:
" Example: 'function' tells sidekick to display any node found in a ts 'locals' query
" that is captured in `queries/$LANG/locals.scm` as '@definition.function'.
let g:sidekick_printable_def_types = ['function', 'class', 'type', 'module', 'parameter', 'method', 'field']
" Mapping from definition type to the icon displayed for that type in the outline window.
let g:sidekick_def_type_icons = {
\ 'class': "\uf0e8",
\ 'type': "\uf0e8",
\ 'function': "\uf794",
\ 'module': "\uf7fe",
\ 'arc_component': "\uf6fe",
\ 'sweep': "\uf7fd",
\ 'parameter': "•",
\ 'var': "v",
\ 'method': "\uf794",
\ 'field': "\uf6de",
\ }
" Tells sidekick to ignore certain definitions based on definition type and text. For example, the setting below ignores any
" definitions of type 'var' that are named "_" or "self" and ignores any parameters that are named "self". It is a dict from
" definition types to a dict of specific text values to exclude for that definition type.
let g:sidekick_ignore_by_def_type = {
\ 'var': {"_": 1, "self": 1},
\ 'parameters': {"self": 1},
" Indicates which definition types should have their line number displayed in the outline window.
let g:sidekick_line_num_def_types = {
\ 'class': 1,
\ 'type': 1,
\ 'function': 1,
\ 'module': 1,
\ 'method': 1,
\ }
" What to display between definition and line number
let g:sidekick_line_num_separator = " "
" What to display to the left and right of the line number
let g:sidekick_line_num_left = "\ue0b2"
let g:sidekick_line_num_right = "\ue0b0"
" What to display before outer vs inner vs folded outer definitions
let g:sidekick_outer_node_folded_icon = "\u2570\u2500\u25C9"
let g:sidekick_outer_node_icon = "\u2570\u2500\u25CB"
let g:sidekick_inner_node_icon = "\u251c\u2500\u25CB"
" What to display to left and right of def_type_icon
let g:sidekick_left_bracket = "\u27ea"
let g:sidekick_right_bracket = "\u27eb"
- neovim nightly
- default config requires patched nerd fonts
- nerdtree.nvim
- Jump from outline to definition
- Update outline on editor events
- Buffer save
- Change active window
- Display filename (buffer name) in sidekick.
- Add custom fold highlight while we want for neovim bug about highlighting folds to get fixed.
- Allow empty sidekick window. Currently we just don't open an outline window if the current bufffer is empty or corresponds to an un-supported (by treesitter) filetype.
- Set window settings to stop context.vim from popping up.
- Add documentation.
- Improve plugin configs
- Add supported options to documentation.
- Add error-checking / default values.
- Allow smarter rendering (e.g. isolated top-level nodes should be displayed as
) - After jumping to definition, scroll screen upwards (add config option to control this).
- Document highlight groups so that colorschemes can explicitly support them.
- Learn how to make tests for your plugin and test your code, guy.
- Use treesitter to generate outline for custom queries (
) - Use treesitter to generate outline for "standard" queries (
) - Let users specify what definitions get shown for standard queries.
- Display line number after definitions in outline window.
- Add mouse support: double-click will either jump to definition or toggle fold via
:normal za
- Setup custom sidekick query files for places where our needs are in conflict with locals.scm and we want to extend it without potentially messing up other functionality.
- Add everything we've "fixed" (or possibly broken) with lua and python locals.scm locally.
- Make query file name customizable: buffer-level, if not available, global option, if not available 'locals.scm'.
- Demo on busted.lua using autocmd.
- Add "ignore" filetype config option where sidekick leaves outline up (e.g. nerdtree, startify, etc.)
- Ignore jump to quickfix or location list.
- Add option to not print certain identifiers (e.g. if printing @definition.var, ignore variables defined as "_").
- Outline is incomplete: functions are missing - may be a max line issue.
- Outline is cut off for first entry.
- Window contains parts of multiple outlines when switching windows (clear sidekick buffer).
- First entry is not foldable.
- Add auto-command to run Sidekick on BufEnter for buffers that cannot be parsed.
- Sort by order or kind.
- Pop-up documentation for symbol when using LSP.
- After getting experience, re-write most of codebase using an extensible system to allow end users to populate outline window.
- Generate outline based on tags file.
- When using treesitter for outline and LSP is available, pop-up documentation for symbol.
- Generate outline based on LSP.
- Decouple rendering from outline in order to:
- Interface to allow other tag definition backends (e.g. LSP or ctags)