- Git
- C#
- .NET6.0 Framework
- MS Test
- RESTful routing
- Html
- Javascript
WanderLog is an ASP.NET MVC6 application Dynasty shares his online travel diary effortlessly. I Documented my adventures, track the places I've been, and relived memories through an interactive and visually appealing platform.
- Open your git bash Terminal to Clone the Project with a (git clone REPOSITORY_NAME)
- Ensure you have the .NET6.0 Framework Installed(I used .NET6.0.402 For this Application) on your PC and you must have done the essential steps to at least writing a C# code in the REPL
- If you're not interested in seeing the Build message, run the command: dotnet run, this builds and runs the application for you but if you are interested in seing the Build message carry out the 2 steps below
- Still in the Git bash Terminal, run the command: dotnet build --- This builds The Project and adds the essential directories to execute the application
- After building the application, Now its time to run the command: dotnet run --- And still in the Git Bash Terminal, you get to see all of the results outputted into the console. To add changes and see them updated instantly, you can enter: dotnet watch run
- No detected bugs_
MIT Copyright (c) 2023 Mojiboye Emmanuel
- Email: emzzyoluwole@gmail.com
- Instagram @Emmanuel.9944
- Twitter: @Emzzy241 and Profile Name: Dynasty
- Github Username: Emzzy241-